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L. Arnold - Wed, 2015/09/30 - 16:12
I've struggled w/ this in the past, now I need to fix it in that my old install is Kaput.
Having just dropped a week old TKLBAM onto a fresh Magento (13) install - same gen, any thing that aims at the domain(s) or Ip is presented with the /var/www root, rather than the /var/www/magento root.
I don't see any "exclusions" in the TKLBAM profile.
Any one know how to fix this so I get magento working?
thanks in advance.
Starting to look like a strange "rewrite" within the TKL App.
this is what the page looks like. not really hitting Magento till the folder is chosen.
Unfortunately there Magento has it's own rewriting rules which complicates everything.
Long story short - Can't get into the Magento System.
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Getting somewhere.
Strangely the TKLBAM process DID rewrite my Root Password but did not Rewrite my MySQL Password.
Magento needs MYSQL Acccess... so a little more fishing.
Looks like Magento is not accessing the Database... OK... now what... Where is Magento storing that Password?
Have you rebooted?
Re your MySQL connection issue, the first thing to check is if MySQL is running:
or And if it's not running, start it (as per above except with "start" instead of "status").Re your website, first thing I would check is what Apache sites are enabled:
By default it should just show you "magento" (or "magento.conf" for v14.0). If it shows "default"/"000-default" then run the following (as relevant):
However your backup shouldn't be breaking your appliance like that. Personally I'd be looking into your backup and the restore process a little deeper...Add new comment