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DIDZAN ORO - Sat, 2015/11/14 - 01:20
I'm working with PHP in a core Turnkey, but I'm needing pecl_php to make HttpRequest from my php files. I noted that this library or extension doesn't come with PHP, but is not installed and I'm having issues to install it. Any help with this.
It's in the repos
HTTP extension in PHP
Good morning,
Thanks for your help. But I search with
and didn't show me anything.
I also ran
and shows this: E: Unable to locate package php5-pecl-http.
Any idea why I'm getting this?
A little more info. I get
A little more info. I get this when I was installing:
pecl install pecl_php
ERROR: `/tmp/pear/temp/pecl_http/configure --with-http-zlib-dir=/usr --with-http-libcurl-dir=/usr --with-http-libevent-dir=/usr --with-http-libidn-dir=/usr' failed
Did you run apt-get update first?
On TKL v14.0 Core:
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