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Ron Myers - Tue, 2015/12/15 - 07:54
I looked through the forum and did not see this question so thought i would ask. I downloaded the turnkey core VMKD and it has the AMD64 processor indicated in the file name. While I have built several VMs with VMWARE ESXi, they have all been Windows, Server, or Centos machines and I haven't really delved into changing the processor type when creating VMs. As I haven't seen an applliance stating it was for the Intel line I was wondering is this is an issue?
If it is, where can I find the applliances for the intel cpus?
Thanks for the help,
Ron Myers
It means 64 bit architechture
The OVA should just work OOTB with VMware. Or you could create a new VM and attach the VMDK that you've already downloaded. You shouldn't need to do any special config, defaults should probably be fine.
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