Hi Everyone!

I've just started playing with the system and so far it's looking great.

The reason I want to use it is to migrate my website, which was built using CMS Made Simple.

Just extracting the installer to /var/www and running it from a browser (http://IPADDRESS/cmsms-2.1.1-install.php) results in a blank page.

If you view /var/log/apache/error.log you will see something similar to the following error line:

[Tue Jan 26 23:19:11.229415 2016] [:error] [pid 756] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PharException' with message '__HALT_COMPILER(); must be declared in a phar' in /var/www/cmsms-2.1-install.php:8\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/cmsms-2.1-install.php(8): Phar::webPhar(NULL, 'index.php')\n#1 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/cmsms-2.1-install.php on line 8
Thankfully, someone (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22538667/redbeanphp-4-halt-compiler) has had the same problem.
Even v3.2.0 of xcache, which is already installed in Turnkey Linux doesn't seem to be fixed, or at least conflicts with CMS Made Simple.
Running the following command fixes the problem:
apt-get remove php5-xcache

The following commands should also be done:

apt-get install php5-gd
apt-get install php5-curl
chown -r www-data /var/www
service apache2 restart

I'm not sure about the implications of the "chown" line, but certainly apache/PHP needs RW access to be able to install CMS Made Simple.

I hope this helps someone!



Jeremy Davis's picture

We need to remove php5-xcache from the lamp plan (the list of packages that install) altogether. It causes issues with a few PHP apps. Removing it is on our tracker.

It's not really needed anyway as PHP has (Zend) opcacher built in as of PHP 5.5 (TurnKey v14.x / Debian Jessie has v5.6.17). Some apps don't seem to mind but some do.

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for the reply.

I've never come accross xcache before!


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