Einar Bordewich's picture

Hi, newbie on Turnkey here :-)

I've tested Turnkey with Openvpn and realy liked what I experienced. Now when it's time to do some changes to my email gateway running Debian and ScrollOut F1. Thinking that Turnkey and ScrollOut F1 whould be a sure choice, and to my surprise no result when searching "ScrollOut".

Tried downloading Turnkey Core and did a script installation of ScrollOut F1, with no success.

As far as I know, ScrollOut F1 is a popular freeware mail gateway with the most common linux tools for spam/phising/virus filtering. A little suprised that ScrollOut F1 did not exist in Turnkeys portefolio and hope that it will be possible to include it there.

Really quick I can see that there is many packakges that are not found in the apt repositorie and Postfix conflicts since it's allready installed:

Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/scrollout/files/latest/download

Attached is the install.sh script from ScrollOut F1

Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey! Thanks for your kind words regarding your experience so far.

TBH, I'd never heard of ScrollOut F1, but it certainly sounds like it'd be a great appliance.

I don't see any attached install script? Also the link that you gave is to a ISO download. I assume that that is their pre-built ISO? But it's not much good to us (we'd want to build our own ISO).

A quick google bought up the install instructions. On face value it looks incredibly straight forward, however, the devil is usually in the detail...

Currently we're snowed under with work. I'm still trying to finalise our last release (v14.2) and we're way behind on the next release development cycle (it'll be v15.0; based on Debian Stretch). So as cool as this looks and as keen as I am to add it to the library; I can't commit much time myself and I don't have any guys free to work on it either.

So at this point, the best I can offer you is "best effort" support to assist you to get it running on Core (or perhaps our LAMP or Nginx appliances might be a quicker starting place?)

If you're interested in learning about TurnKey, I'd be more than happy to assist you to then develop a "proper" TurnKey appliance. Anyone could then build a ScrollOut F1 appliance themselves! Once we have v15.0 back on track, we would then add it to the library as an official appliance.

So for starters, perhaps if you could try following the instructions I linked to above, and post any error messages that you receive and I'll try to guide you in the right direction.

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