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n00b - Sat, 2019/10/26 - 02:35
After reading the pages availabale on it, I'm not sure if the services provided include computer registration to the domain. Am I supposed to add the pc to the domain?
I know the DC runs logon scripts, and can authenticate users. Besides user authentication and scripts, what are the TKL Domain Controller's function? I'm tyring to wrap my head around it to use it as intended.
Thank you.
It's an Active Directory compatible Domain Controller! :)
Perhaps first a bit of context (and links) to ensure that we're on the same page.
It's intended to be an Active Directory (AD) compatible Domain Controller (DC) drop-in replacement. As such, it's intended to be a replacement for the AD functionality of a Microsoft Server (or an additional AD DC member).
The TurnKey v15.x DC appliance includes Samba v4.5.16 - which equates to support for up to and including Windows Server 2008R2 AD DC (see the schema version compatibility table on the Samab wiki for further compatibility details).
But to explicitly answer your question: Assuming that you wish for a PC to be a member of an AD domain; yes, it needs to first be joined to the DC's domain. As noted/linked to on the doc page, there is a How to join Win machine to Samba DC wiki page which should cover the details of adding a Win machine.
TBH, I'm no real expert on Samba or AD, but I think that at least the basics are all fairly well covered in our docs. The Samba wiki contains a wealth of further and more detailed info for a deeper dive.
Re our docs, please note that unfortunately, the sub pages (i.e. "Quick Start Setup Guide" & "Notes on Samba Domain Controller - AD accounts / Kerberos") are really old and likely irrelevant now (and in need of a good update). The main page was updated for v14.x when AD support was first added, but also applies to v15.x (as I noted in my minor update just done now).
Hopefully that helps get you going. I can't promise to have all the answers, but please post back if you hit any issues or have any specific further questions. Good luck! :)
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