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Peter - Mon, 2021/03/22 - 09:53
I have generated an ovpn configuration file in accordance with all of the instructions on your documentation.
i.e. openvpn-addclient client1
I've created 3 individual files and downloaded them in the attempt to connect via OPVN desktop on a Windows 10 machine.
Everything else is fine however this is failing.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
My first guess is timezone...
Did you update the timezone (as noted on readme - note that I have just updated the appliance page so it's noted there too now) before generating your client config? You didn't mention that so that's my first guess.
If that guess doesn't help, then I'll need some more info about what you've tried so far and where everything is running, plus some log (and/or journal) info.
Re what you've tried, I'm thinking things like: Have you can confirmed that you can definitely connect to the VPN server from your Win10 machine? Have you ensured that any firewall between your Win10 machine and the VPN server has appropriate exceptions configured, etc.
Re journal or logs, I forget the specific file but it should be in /var/log IIRC. Alternatively you can read from the journal (journalctl). I also don't recall the service name off the top of my head, but if you view the journal live (i.e. journalctl -f) and try to connect, you should see stuff appear there, from the info provided you can limit the journal output to the desired tag (using -t) or unit (-u).
If my guess helps, awesome! If not, please share more info and I'll do my best to help.
Hi Jeremy,
Thank you is usual for your prompt response.
The issue seem to be as simple as updating the open VPN client as there seem to be a mismatch between it and the server.
I did look at the question of syncing the server time and did that however it did not make any difference.
After that was fixed I did notice there was a substantial difference in the way we created the ad client.
Please ensure that you create the client in accordance with the following command line which is outlined in the excellent documentation.
That combined with the current version of open VPN client solved the issues.
Great news Peter!
Thanks for posting back with the info on what fixed it! :)
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