mohsen's picture

Hi all

I installed turnkey linux on VM machine. Iwant to install clamav antivirus on my turnkey linux. But I cant.

I edited  /etc/apt/sources.list and added this line at the bottom of the file.

"deb stable/volatile main contrib non-free"

Then i run

apt-get update

apt-get install clamav

Pleas help me.


Jeremy Davis's picture

What is the result of

ping -c 4

Secondly volatile is no more (as of Debian Squeeze). You now need to use 'squeeze-updates' - announcement here.

mohsen's picture

Thanks for your attention.

ping -c 4

result--> ping: unknown host



Jeremy Davis's picture

Obviously you are not getting DNS resolution for the Debian repo inside your TKL appliance. Although it could be a general networking issue (rather than just DNS).

Can you give me some details of where your appliance is running? Ie is this on bare metal or a VM of some sort? How are you connecting to the terminal of your appliance?

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