rdufour's picture

Love what you guys have done here.  I recently downloaded the wordpress appliance to put my small biz website on.  I was wondering how to remove the "Powered by TurnKey Linux" footer from the bottom of all of my pages, or at least from the side bar as it interferes with a portion of my site and does not look very professional.

Thanks for your help and keep doing what you do.

[UPDATE]: As noted in a comment below the quickest/easiest way to do this on most TurnKey appliances (at least the LAMP based ones) is:

a2dismod substitute
service apache2 restart

If you get errors and/or it still displays after reloading the page, please open a new thread on the forums and state the TurnKey appliance and version. If you're not sure, please include the output of:


Also, if you remove the credit footer, please consider how you might otherwise be able to support us to continue our work?! :)


Liraz Siri's picture

The credit link is intended to help spread the word about the appliances. TurnKey Linux is a relatively new project so that's an important part of finding new users we can help. By default it's themed in a tiny font that doesn't spoil most themes.

In any case, it's easy to override the CSS for the credit footer so you can theme it to your liking like this:

/* This removes the credit link, but if possible we ask that you try and
re-theme it to your liking instead as a courtesy to the TurnKey Linux
project */

#turnkey-credit #override {
  display: none;
rdufour's picture

I love what your project is doing and I want to leave the footer, actually mod it just a bit and still give you guys props.  What I really need to remove is the one on the side bar.  I have a looping news gaget going and your credit is in the way.  I am new to wordpress and my web developer did 90% of the work.  I understand what to do I just cant find the correct css file.


Thanks again.

Liraz Siri's picture

Any CSS code you add to any CSS file is applied globally. Unlike with templates it doesn't matter which file you add your code to. If you can't get the credit link to display in a way that doesn't spoil your site I recommend you turn off it's display and consider giving us credit elsewhere in a way that is more suited to your site.
rdufour's picture

Thanks for the help.  The footer is gone.  I will be adding a custom footer back and include the link to here.  I still have it on my side bar.  It is an iframe inside a text widget located on the sidebar.  Sorry for the annoyance.  Any ideas on this one.

Liraz Siri's picture

It sounds like the CSS override isn't being applied inside your text widget which is being served as an IFRAME using the output from a separate PHP script. There are a couple of things you can try. Editing the PHP script to insert a bit of inline CSS into the PHP code that generates your widget, like this:

<style type="text/css">

#turnkey-credit #override {
    display: none;


Or alternatively you can disable the substitute Apache module that inserts the credit's HTML code ("a2dismod substitute" in a command line).

homer15's picture

 which css file should be edited?  i'm using an appliance that was initially phpbb but now has wordpress on it, as well.  i want to remove the "phpBB Appliance -" and just have "power by turnkey linux", but editing single directory css files doesn't seem to make the change.  

Alon Swartz's picture

You might need to restart apache for the changes to take effect.

Liraz Siri's picture

Sorry this is giving you trouble. The footer is a compromise. Users who choose not to disable it give TurnKey a big boost by helping the project help others.

In any case, if you're having trouble with the Apache directives it shouldn't be difficult to just disable the footer by adding a bit of CSS as I described above:

#turnkey-credit #override {
  display: none;
Alon Swartz's picture

As Liraz pointed out, the credit link is intended to help spread the word about the appliances. TurnKey Linux is a relatively new project so that's an important part of finding new users we can help. By default it's themed in a tiny font that doesn't spoil most themes.

Removing the credit link is clearly documented, and you may do so.
Jeremy Davis's picture

If you don't have full access to your server then you will have to get your host to do it for you. I'd contact them and see if they can clarify this for you.

William's picture


I've just found that when you print a wordpress page using google chrome print feature that the footer prints about a thrid of the way down the page.

Chris Musty's picture

The last line should be "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart" if using apache2, which I believe all TKL appliances use.

Chris Musty


Specialised Technologies

Jeremy Davis's picture

But considering the range of TKL appliances then doing it with CSS seems the only logicial (and possible) way to acheive this across all appliances. The way it is makes it consistant code that can be applied across the board (rather than having a different plugin/code for each appliance).

L. Arnold's picture

"a Turnkey Linux appliance"  and leave it at that.

I believe it brings up security and other issues when the "name" of the appliance is given.

Ryan's picture

My two cents on this...

First, I actually discovered this project by footer too-- and I am very glad I did!  I use it for all sorts of customer and project work, it's amazing what I've been able to use it for and how much it's helped me.  And had I not seen the footer one day.... well, who knows.

My question is -- I see where and how it's declared in CSS style sheets-- but where is "Powered by Turnkey Linux" actually defined?  That is, where are those words actually set in order to be displayed?

I ask this, because I would like to continue using all the appliances for customers and projects WITH the footer in place-- but I would like to append my company to the verbiage (separate, but on same line) so that my customers see both the Turnkey credit, and my company -- that adds professionalism for my customers and work.

In other words-- what file would I go in and edit where I could keep the TKL credit and append my company name? (NOT taking any credit for the project, just having my company name on the footer noting that my company is using the project.)

Liraz Siri's picture

First, great to hear that you found the project through the footer. That's why we put it there!

Regarding the technical details, for many (but not all) of the LAMP stack based appliances the footer is inserted into the HTML output using the Apache mod_substitute module which we're using because it's the most generic way to insert a footer without messing with application code. Look in /etc/apache2/mods-available/substitute.conf if you want to edit it.


On 14/09/12 08:00, TurnKey Linux wrote:

Jeremy Davis's picture

a2dismod substitute
service apache2 restart

Then reload page.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Most of the LAMP based appliances are configured the same, but some are different.

I think your point and request are reasonable and we probably should add it to the Issue Tracker. However it would take significant labour to sit down and document how the footer is done in each and every appliance. As we are a small team (only 3 of us) we have tons of work to do on existing bugfixes and feature requests; let alone getting to the (very overdue) library refresh. With Jessie release just around the corner; getting together a v14.0 release candidate is also high on the agenda... Because of our labour bottleneck we constantly need to prioritise and re-prioritise so many "nice to have" things (like your request) just never get done...

Having said that, if it is something that you think would be of particular value to TurnKey Linux then please feel free to look over the build code and document it. I have no doubt that others would appreciate it. For example from my cursory glance it looks like this is where the footer is created for the ownCloud appliance. That should give you a good place to start in working out how to disable/remove it. I imagine that it would generally be configured in an appliance's conf.d/main config script.

PS great to hear that you like TurnKey so much - even despite the footer! :)

Jeremy Davis's picture

The bulk of this thread is really old so no longer very relevant... The instructions I posted above to disable mod_substitute should work reliably and make it super easy to disable.
Rosie Lukaszczyk's picture

in case if you don't have access to apache files, or want to turn off this Turnkey credit footer only in your wordpress site, add this to your wordpress theme's style.css:

/** Credit info in footer removal for TurnKey Linux */
#turnkey-credit  {
    display: none !important;

Junaid Shahid's picture

Jeremy Davis's picture

As noted above, the easiest way is to disable mod_substitute:
a2dismod substitute
service apache2 restart
Jeremy Davis's picture

I forgot that the GitLab app is behind Nginx. And actually all Nginx does is act as a reverse proxy. So TBH, I'm not sure OTTOMH where the credit footer comes from?!

So I just grepped through the buildcode and found that it's appended on the bottom of the html template that GitLab uses.

You can find that file here: /home/git/gitlab/app/views/layouts/application.html.haml

Jeremy Davis's picture

Good luck with it all. :)

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