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bulek - Sat, 2010/05/08 - 04:00
I'm preparing home server platform basedon Turnkey Linux. I'd like to start with LAMP and add few other features (Samba, Wordpress)... Since Wordpress appliance has also some plugins installed and maybe some other interesting feature I think the easiest way would be to peek into TKLPatch for selected appliances of interest.
Are there TKLPatches for appliances published somewhere? I think it would be great source of info also for other purposes...
Any advice on how to do this ? I remember discussion about virtualization, but in my case I'd like to avoid it...
Thanks in advance,
We don't use TKLPatch internally
Reading manifest: turnkey-wordpress-2009.10 2
thanks for info. I'm reading manifest of Wordpress-appliance and I see one line of particular interest to me :
Does this mean that this is a custom package for installation of Wordpress in any other appliance with all customizations needed? It seems that this is the key to my need to have Wordpress on LAMP appliance...
Thanks in advance,
Appliance changelog package
Do we have any notes for Wordpress TKL or yet better package ?
Hi,thanks for info.
It seems not so easy afterall. Are there any notes on how Wordpress was customized for TKL (I'll try to make a package) ?
A TKL Wordpress package would be even better, but I guess this is not the case.
Thanks in advance,
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