wozzagonebush's picture

I have tried both the ISO and LXC on Proxmox which seem to install just fine. I can get to adminer and webmin.

I get to the Nextcloud logon page and am unable to logon using the password created during the installation.

What am I missing please?




Jeremy Davis's picture

The username for logging into Nextcloud is 'admin' and the password you set at firstboot. Using those, it should "just work".

wozzagonebush's picture

badco's picture

I will spin up an LXC on Proxmox and report back...

badco's picture

Tested on Proxmox 7.1-8 with TKL Nextcloud 16.1-1 and logging in with 'admin' and the password set in confconsole prompt on first boot (not the MySQL password) does in fact work fine.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks for confirming. There must be something specific going on for wozzagonebush!? I wonder what it might be...?

wozzagonebush's picture

If I knew that I wouldn't be on this forum!!!!!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Yep, sorry to state the obvious...

badco's picture

Are you using a password generator?

I use Bitwarden and I had symbols turned on which caused some issues when there was a '#' in the password in some edge cases.

Not sure if it would affect Nextcloud though.

wozzagonebush's picture

No, simple lab setup.

I've tried P@ssword and Pa55word. Neither work on NC yet I can login to Webmin and Mysql.


Just spinning up Owncloud to see what happens.

Jeremy Davis's picture

I think I know what might be going on!

I just launched a fresh instance and when I used 'P@ssword'. I noticed some text fly past, but couldn't read it. So I've logged in via SSH and manually rerun the Nextcloud inithook (/usr/lib/inithooks/bin/nextcloud.py). When I did that, it finished with:

Password is among the 1,000,000 most common ones. Please make it unique.

So it looks like Nextcloud does some additional password checking. We should check for the exit code of the process we run and force the user to retry if it fails.

in the meantime, please manually set a password using the occ tool (best to use our convenience wrapper script):

turnkey-occ user:resetpassword admin

If it succeeds, you should see the message:

Successfully reset password for admin

I'll open an issue on our tracker to take this into account within the inithook. I.e. check for the exit code when we set the Nextcloud passsword.

wozzagonebush's picture

Thank you very much for your support and assistance - greatly appreciated!

Hopefully this thread will save others many hours of head scratching ;)

Jeremy Davis's picture

Glad to hear we got there in the end. Thanks so much for reporting, and for your patience.

FWIW I've added an issue to our issue tracker, so hopefully this will be less likely to trip up users once we release v17.0.

wozzagonebush's picture

As far as I can tell I've done exactly the same as the NC setup but cannot logon to it.

What logs or files do you need to examine what's going on?

TIA :)

wozzagonebush's picture

Just tried deleting the CT again and reinstalling. Still no luck :(

Can access Mysql, webmin and webshell all OK.

NC still says "Wrong username or password. "

badco's picture

root, mysql and admin are all different logins, and you are specifically logging in with the admin account in the Nextcloud web interface with the password set in the first boot setup after the MySQL password setup screen?

wozzagonebush's picture

Understood and confirmed.

The container is root/password

mysql is adminer/P@ssword

nc is admin/P@ssword

Jeremy Davis's picture

Please see my post above.

TL; DR: reset password like this:

turnkey-occ user:resetpassword admin

Ensure that it exits with the message:

Successfully reset password for admin

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