Don Kidder's picture

I am new to Turnkey, but found the installation very easy.

I am using a static IP and can get to the Webadmin screen via Https with no problems.

Should the sample Ruby on Rails app fire up automatically or am I missing a step?

The Passanger module is a new thing for me as well so perhaps I missed something there.

From the description it looks like Mongrel was dropped so the script/server command is not going to help.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Glad to hear you've got your TKL server up and running no worries!

On the appliance page it says:

"Preconfigured example Rails application located at /var/www/railsapp"

I would assume that'd be equate to http://appliance-ip/railsapp/ Is that where you looked?

Mike Gillson's picture

I do exactly this http://appliance-ip/railsapp/

on the appliance but I get "The page you were looking for doesn't exist"

I can see the folder /var/www/railsapp and I see the /etc/apache2/conf/railsapp.conf file.

How do I run the rails apps?

Mike Gillson's picture

http://appliance-ip/images/rails.png shows the ruby on rails icon

When I look at the /var/www/railsapp/views/cp/index.html.erb, I see that the whole web site is running through rails.

When I add my new rails sites, I will need to create named virtual directories to access the new rails sites.

I have learned alot from looking out how this appliance is configured with apache.

The appliances are well done.  I am learning alot about ubuntu from looking at all the great work you have done.

jruff's picture

The external image linked from the comment is no longer valid. What did it show?



Randry's picture

 http: // tk-rails-ip /  - показывает веб морду TurnKey 

У когонибудь получилось понять как это работает ???


Jeremy Davis's picture

The landing page is a Ruby on Rails "example app".

It's a super simple app that just displays the landing page.

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