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Jeremy Selph - Fri, 2009/08/07 - 19:52
Not sure if there is something I need to configure but looking at other posts I have gotten this far.
From the webmin panel > system > php configuration > manage /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
I chnaged under other settings
path to command for sending email to /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
Is there something else I need to do? Because no emails have been recieved and no errors either.
What are you trying to do?
Hi, this is not my area of expertise at all but I am happy to try to help.
I don't really understand what you are trying to do though?
I will explain
I have lamp setup at my feet in an old p3 pc and works great. I am using it as a testing server for websites, php etc. What I want to do is make it so that I can test the contact pages of the websites by sending emails. I cant seem to get this feature to work. Is it with lampp or ports on my router? I am not sure where to start?
The current lamp appliance does not include an MTA
I hope the above helps a little, but the more information you can provide about what you have tried, and what is not working would be helpful.
BTW, the lamp appliance in our upcoming release will include an MTA out of the box.
so what do you think?
Should I wait until the new Lamp comes out? or Try to install an MTA myself.
No reason to wait...
Both options are relatively easy to accomplish, for example, installing postfix should be as easy as: and performing minor configurations according to your required setup.
Note: you should update the configuration to have it bind to localhost if you do not require it to serve other clients.
Good luck!
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