stefc's picture

Hi congratulate for the turnkey appliances, 

it's exact what I'm looking for, ubuntu based and ready for go in a virtualbox environment. 

It would be fine if you publish also two new appliances to your growing pool (45+?)

I'm interested in a memcached only appliance (small overhead on the base system for getting as much memory for the cache system). It would be even finer if the memcached server state (memory usage, etc.) can be controlled remotly in the web-frontend ;)

Besides this I also look for a lighttpd web-server appliance that gives me a very fast web-server as an alternative to the apache based servers. 

mfg stefc

Liraz Siri's picture

Hi Stef. Thanks for the feedback. We've tried to make it pretty easy for users to roll their own appliances based on TurnKey Core (or TurnKey LAMP) using the TKLPatch SDK. I recommend you and anyone else interested in this usage scenario take a stab at developing a TKLPatch and sharing it with the community. A working, tested TKLPatch is much more likely to make it into the next release batch as a new appliance.

One thing to keep in mind with regards to the faster web servers such as lighttpd and nginx is that they are usually not as well supported with Webmin modules and such. So you're trading off performance for usability. In some cases, I think the trade off is worth it. Incidentally the TKL website runs on lighttpd.

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