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Scott - Mon, 2013/04/29 - 19:33
Just downloaded/configured turnkey-jenkins-12.0 - which runs jenkins 1.464, I'd like to upgrade it to latest (1.513 as shown in jenkins UI) as some of the Android based plugins require it. I'm a linux newbie so apolgies if it's just a case of dumping the updated jenkins war file somewhere.
how can I do this? or am I tied to the turnkey build of jenkins?
So the typical tomcat
So the typical tomcat deployment by replacing the jenkins.war at /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/jenkins seems to work (make sure you take backups encase it doesn't)
I had to alter permissions on jenkins.war so that tomcat could read/unpack it.
Logged in to jenkins and shows version 1.513 yay!
however in the admin console there was an noification about security issue that linked to
I followed the link in the noification to reKey, that completed ok. boom! all good on the latest jenkins.
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