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JacobsCHAOS - Fri, 2016/02/12 - 17:32
My old site was using zen-cart 1.5.4. I had upgraded it several times on my old host to get it there. When I tried to upgrade on TurnKeyLinux, so I can import my old database, I cannot get the upgrade to work. I copied the new files in place (I tried with 1.5.3 and 1.5.4). I've check the read write permissions on the folders and files, but I am still getting access permissions when trying to access zc_install, and when I remove it I get access permission errors when trying to log in. I am not used to using debian, so maybe there is just something different/additional I need to do.
I verified apache is running as www-data. I changed the user and group to match apache and chmod'd everything to 777. So, it is definitely not a regular file permissions issue. Any thoughts on what it could be?
I created a new directory on the server /var/www/test and copied a clean copy of zen-cart 1.5.4 into it, and I still can not execute the installation scripts in zc_isntall. I can see the contents of the demo folder adn the I can create an info.php file in teh zc_isntall folder, but I can not run the install scripts. I'm still looking for ideas on what could be blocking it.
Are the files owned by www-data?
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