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I have been doing some exploration w/ Bookstack (TKL 18.0).
It turned out the reference place I sent a working system to has a built in Firwall Block against Dynamic DNS Hosted Websites.
So, I moved the system to an elastic IP and External Sub/Domain to another domain I have. I also set a Lets Encrypt Certificate to that domain.
I released the association inside the hub.
I thought all was good till I entered the building that has the firewall in place.
Basically calling up the separate IP as well as the Separate Domain would start redirecting to the old TKLAPP.
Moreover, the Certificate name that calling some SSL cert set in place by HUBDNS.
I did some exploration and found the place inside of the Bookstack APP that the name is stored, and seemingly kept putting itself back into service. I deleted that entry.
Rebooted... Basically it is near impossible to shutdown or reboot the server. It will over time but.
Somehow the CERT from HUBDNS was overriding the LetsEncrypt Cert.
Also, calling the external FQDN I end up having a rewrite to the domain name.
I need to get rid of the TKLAPP association. It seems that needs to happen both in the HUB and on the Server simultaneously.
For now I have reset the TKLAPP host association in the Hub as I needed to be able to deal with the CERT of that name.
Thoughts on how to proceed? Seems like others will end up in similar situations sometime.
Not seeing the "format type" dropdown mentioned in another message but I did go to my settings and try to set my posting format to plain text. Lets see how that works.
thanks in advance.
test of text format after logout
Working ona Plain Text format. Just logged out after changing my default setting.
Lets see if a line break or 2 might be made.
Test new line.
And one without a blank line between.
Unfortunately looks like you need to do it for each post :(
When you "reply" or start a new thread, right under the box where you write the text of your post there should be a "Text format" drop down. It will be "Filtered HTML" by default. Although that might only be visible to me (as an admin)?!
Anyway I just changed the formatting of your posts to "Plain Text" and line breaks are now visible.
Bottom of the Account Profile page
nope but line spacing helps
Try running the "artisan" commands from terminal
I suspect that the domain set at firstboot is stored in multiple places in bookstack. There is actually a command (called 'artisan') which has an option to update the domain & the bookstack internal caches need to be cleared (also via an artisan command). It also includes a Turnkey artisan wrapper/helper script to make running running artisan easier.
I suggest reverting the domain change that you already made and then running this:
And for good measure, I'd also restart Apache:
Ok, I think I got through
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