Kevin Im's picture



I instsalled  SuiteCRM on Amazon server EC2


And It works well until today morning.

But when i log in again, I could't login.

It apear below message instead of log-in screen



Could not connect to the database. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.



So I checked suitecrm.log file. 

And it report below error message.



Wed Nov 21 01:28:29 2018 [676][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to DB server localhost as suitecrm. port 3306: No such file or directory
Wed Nov 21 01:31:36 2018 [678][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to DB server localhost as suitecrm. port 3306: No such file or directory
Wed Nov 21 02:01:09 2018 [674][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to DB server localhost as suitecrm. port 3306: No such file or directory
Wed Nov 21 02:11:46 2018 [673][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to DB server localhost as suitecrm. port 3306: No such file or directory
Wed Nov 21 02:11:47 2018 [675][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to DB server localhost as suitecrm. port 3306: No such file or directory



How could i fix this error and enter SuiteCRM ?

I tried to find solution on google, but i can't find.


Please please please help me.



Jeremy Davis's picture

Unfortunately, this is a known issue which affects most of our appliances. :( You'll find further background and discussion on the blog post I published yesterday.

The upside is that the fix is easy, simply log in via SSH and run the following (note if you are using an AWS Marketplace server, you will need to prefix each of these commands with 'sudo'):

apt update
apt install default-mysql-server

That should restore everything to normal and all should be working as expected. As noted in the blog post, we hope to have updated images really soon, so at least new servers won't suffer this same issue.

Kevin Im's picture

Thanks Jeremy

I can come back from hell....


Jeremy Davis's picture

Whilst this won't make much difference to you, but FYI we have now updated all of our appliance images, including SuiteCRM so this fix should now no longer be required on fresh installs.

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