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Submitted by Guest on Wed, 2009/04/08 - 22:43
Are there any plans to develop a mailserver appliance? If not, what do I need to add to the LAMP appliance to have a multi-domain mailserver with spam protection, which can me managed with the webmin interface?
Yes, a mail server appliance is in the works
Meanwhile you can roll your own by starting from Core and installing postfix, the postfix Webmin module, spamassassin, and ... then doing the integration.
Or wait for us to do that for you. It's one of the things we're working on behind the scenes. We have a rough draft but it needs more testing/polish.
turnkey rocks!
Welcome back szczym!
yes i was on trip and kinda productive, me and other folks from transmission network been writing documentation for video manipulation in drupal, effects you cane see here: We are going to turn in into floss manual next weeks.
Sorry for off topic
Liraz was referring to zimbra
Liraz was referring to the Zimbra appliance (initial release was 2009.10), but you might also want to check out the iredmail tklpatch.
Hi Aol, I had the same question?
I'm in the process of setting up a dovecot mail server ontop of one of the LAMP turnkey as it already has postfix, ssl and mysql installed (though I would prefer postgresql).
I would be very intersted in a well configured and secure mail server appliance.
Unfortunately not...
It is still high on the wishlist but unfortunately keeps getting pushed back down the list by other things...
Personally I think 2 appliances would be good: 1) A simple Mail server with webmail interface; and 2) a more fully featured groupware type appliance (with calandering etc as well as email/webmail).
Harsh reality is though that until someone picks up the development I don't think either will happen anytime soon... Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...
TurnKey is an open source project and it could use your help
The truth is between everything the two of us have to do just to keep TurnKey in the same place we'll never have enough time to package and maintain all the good software that is out there as TurnKey apps. So rather than expanding the roster we've invested in improving the development infrastructure so we have a better shot at attracting new blood to the project.
If you need help/support with building new images
Then feel free to post a new thread. I will do all i can to help out.
{update] FWIW I have just done a more extensive post on the basics of TKLDev which despite the fact that it relates to a different prospective appliance, should be relevant to create a mailserver appliance.
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