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I worship the turnkey concept in appliances as being a fast and brilliant way for hosting it myself and have the full control, but I am missing the image with a full media (display/streaming/coding/encoding) functionality.
I am thinking in terms of: one place for all media in original fomats (video, music, pictures) in all sorts of encoding (MKV, VOB, MP3, MP4, JPG, TIFF aso.) with lots of integration possibilities.
As a former WHS (uuuhh) user I liked the concept of being able to access the media via different methods: SMB, DNLA, WEB, RDP, DVR, radio broadcasts with the possibility of lots of plugins and functionalities aso.
There must be a way to freely make a similar build that could easily expand into lots of specific use cases like for TVguide, HDHomeRun, Free WebTV, Galleries, Plex, HTPC, Playstation, Xbox aso.
Of course this should be able to be stored on an easily expandable redundant storage solution (NAS, iSCSI, NFS)
Everything running virtually of course.....
Am I too old fashioned or is this just a no go in terms of licenses and time spend on building such image ?
Just curious..
Have you tried our Mediaserver appliance?
Have you tried our Mediaserver appliance?
Hopefully, that should tick most of your boxes?! It's built on top of the Fileserver appliance, so includes all the file sharing options (SMB, NFS, SFTP, SSHFS, WebDAV, etc) that that one does, but then also has Jellyfin media viewer pre-installed too (it previously included Emby instead, but they have moved to a proprietary license - Jellyfin is a fully free fork of Emby).
Jellyfin provides an "in browser" media player (so can be used from any device with a web browser) but AFAIK, it also includes support for DLNA as well. They have intentions of developing their own Android and iDevice apps, but in the meantime, it should still work ok with the Emby apps.
Hopefully that fulfils your main desires. If you have further feedback and/or thoughts for expansion/improvement, please share.
my issue has been solved!!
my issue has been solved!!
proxmox collaboration between Mediaserver Appliance and Nextclou
I am interested in using Mediaserver appliance with Turnkey Nextcloud in a proxmox PE environment. I am curious if there is a way to mount the Nextcloud NFS onto Mediaserver appliance?
the reason for this is to have a single place for all of my data and not mirror any of the data on multiple containers.
thank you.
It should be possible
TBH I haven't played with NFS much, but it should be possible.
The NFS server component should already be enabled and active on the mediaserver appliance. I assume that Nextcloud supports adding NFS guest shares, although I can't be 100% sure...
Although it sounds like you were wanting to do it the other way around. That too should be possible. This Linode doc page notes how to set up both the server and the client. It's for Debian 9/Stretch explictly, but seeing as TurnKey v15.x is based on Debian 9/Stretch, that should do the trick.
Assuming that you are running both these servers as containers, you'll also need to modify your host as per this PVE forum post (also see this) to get NFS working with guest containers.
Alternatively, another way of achieving your ends (without NFS) would be to create a separate storage directory on the Proxmox host and mount that within both of the guests (assuming containers). You'll find how to do that in the Proxmox LXC bind mounts doc page.
I hope that helps. Please let us know how you go.
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