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Submitted by marcs on Mon, 2009/05/11 - 17:35
Thank you for these great appliances. I have learned a lot from using them.
I was wondering if there was any chance of getting virtualmin and usermin included in the LAMP appliance?
The problem is that when using the LAMP appliance, you can't get Virtualmin running because the suexec directory is hardcoded into the build and for Virtualmin to run, it requires a change.
I was able to get it running on a fresh Ubuntu 8.04 server install using their install script, but I like the more minimalistic approach of your appliances.
Thank you,
Created blueprint, contributing to development
Hopefully we'll take a look at it for our next batch of appliances, but meanwhile it will be a big help if you or someone else in the community could step up and get involved in preparing the ground by developing a prototype virtual appliance on top of TurnKey Core. I talk about ways to get involved here in the community development page on our website.
Will give it a go..
Commercial development service
Webmin is already there?
Yes, but not Virtualmin...
Tips that might help...
This might help.
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