Gary's picture

Hi, Jeremy,

We're looking to build a new Apache Guacamole ( server on Standalone Tomcat ( We just have two quick questions -

On our previous Apache Guacamole server, we used, perhaps unnecessarily, Tomcat on Apache ( instead of Standalone Tomcat, because we were not certain that Let's Encrypt SSL would be included in Standalone Tomcat. Is Let's Encrypt SSL definitely included in Standalone Tomcat?

And, it looks like Version 18.1 of Standalone Tomcat is not available yet, but Version 18.1 of quite a few other appliances is available. Will there be a Version 18.1 of Standalone Tomcat that we should wait for, or does Version 18.0 of Standalone Tomcat have everything that is in Version 18.1 of the other appliances, that is relevant, in it?

Thanks, as always, for your help!
Jeremy Davis's picture

That sounds really cool. We've been asked for a TurnKey Guacamole appliance a number of times and it would be great to create one. Unfortunately we have a todo list a mile long so can't get to everything we'd like to do. No promises, but if you could share your notes about the install process then that would make it less work for us (or someone else) to create a new TurnKey Guacamole appliance.

But to your questions:

Is Let's Encrypt SSL definitely included in Standalone Tomcat?

Yes the standalone Tomcat appliance includes the same Confconsole Let's Encrypt integration as all other appliances. FWIW our custom implementation serves the Let's Encrypt HTTP-01 challenges via a custom mini webserver - so it doesn't matter what the webserver is (it's only configured to deal with the ones we include but could be extended to work with anything).

FYI our Let's Encrypt integration now also supports DNS-01 Let's Encrypt challenges.

Will there be a Version 18.1 of Standalone Tomcat that we should wait for, or does Version 18.0 of Standalone Tomcat have everything that is in Version 18.1 of the other appliances, that is relevant, in it?

I'm not 100% sure if there will be a v18.1 Standalone Tomcat release or not. We do do "refresh" releases time to time, but generally the updated releases are to fix bugs and/or update non-packages software. The bulk of the Tomcat appliance includes pre-packaged software, so if you do an apt upgrade then you'll end up with something incredibly close to what we would release as v18.1 - if not exactly the same. You can update all the packages and reboot like this:

apt update
apt upgrade

Hope that helps. If you have any issues (or more questions), please do not hesitate to post back.

Also I noted above, if you'd like to share your notes about the Guacamole install that'd be great. Even if we don't get to creating a new appliance in the near future, I'm sure it'd be useful for anyone else wanting to create a TurnKey based Guacamole server.

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