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lucas - Tue, 2015/07/28 - 21:23
I went through all the steps to download and set up gitlab in virtualbox. Network adapter is bridged, virtual machine seems good. But when I try to access it in a browser with https://IP it does not work, sats connection time out or cannot display page.
any help please and thank you.
How much RAM has it got?
2048 MB
It has 2048MB. I've waited 5 minutes before trying to access the app in a browser and I tried more than 2gb. I've also tried running joomla and same result. Whenever I try accessing it at it's always page not found or not available. Any other suggestions?
Thank you.
is it working
I used host only network and firefox broswer, it works. thanks.
Ok cool
If you are just testing or using as a dev machine then "host only" is fine. Otherwise "Bridged" is probably what you want. "NAT" (which I think VirtualBox defaults to IIRC) won't work...
Maybe there is something up with your settings or perhaps something wrong woith your network setup? FWIW the IP address doesn't sound like a proper one (although I could be wrong).
If you want to try to troubleshoot some more let me know. Otherwise enjoy! :)
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