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Submitted by Guest on Fri, 2009/12/18 - 17:56
When creating a project in Redmine, is a SVN repository automatically created if I choose Subversion for my repository? If not, is there a script that I can run (I read about one for the trac appliance)? Or do I have to create it on my own repositories and set up users and permissions for the login user and pw on the repository setup screen for each project?
Fixing this in future versions
More needed to make SVN usable
It seems that there may be more needed to make the SVN usable by clients. I was following this but got stuck. The first long command doesnt work - saying that aptitude is an unknown command. Of the next thee things to do, only the first one works. Without these, Im pretty sure the rest of the proceedure is doomed to fail. At this junture - I seem well and truly stuck.
For starters, aptitude is not install by default
So if you wish to use aptitude (an alternative installer - similar to apt-get but with some nice features) then install it first:
Alternatively you could just use apt-get instead (replace aptitude with apt-get, also sudo is not required unless you aren't running as root. So the first line would look like this:
See how you go now.
Reviving, a needed feature for Redmine
I personally don't want to manually enter in every User/Pass for svn access. Namely because the password is plain text (and would be a lot cooler and more efficient if access can be controlled through redmine).
I have tried
but the svn apache config file isn't there. I tried making a new conf file to see if it would work, but does not. Would be great if someone can point me in the right direction.
Only Missing Feature - But its important
We currently have to use a subscription (read: expensive) version of redmine because of this missing feature. Please consider revising this - and including the automation/connection to the SVN. We too have tried instructions to do it ourselves - to no avail.
More information required
Could you be a little more specific of the feature request. A description of the problem, and a link to solution would be great, as well as any issues you came across when attempting the integration.
The information
Here is the tutorials that I had used.
Both steps 1 and 2 ('How to Automate repository creation' & 'Repositories access control with apache, mod_dav_svn and mod_perl')
For the first part, it explains how to automate repo creation. Everything worked fine until the testing occured.
I first tried with an unprivileged user, gave the desired results, then tried with a privileged user, showed authentication failure. Other then that, the rest of that tutorial was self explanatory and had no troubles with. No user can create repositories, which isn't a big deal.
The second tutorial, which was a must to have, was a pain. I got up to the part with testing it. Always received a 500 internal server error. I had a friend do it for me, now it works. But it was a serious pain, but it is set up weirdly. You require a username and password regardless, which breaks anonymous access, but the redmine settings depict that anonymous access is set to allow read.
Where is svn:// directive?
Subject says it all. How do I change where svn:// points to? The tutorial I used above this comment, works for
more info
I have my redmine working with svn (if i create a proyect the svn repo is created and the users are able lo login with the same credentials they use to login to redmine)
If you tell me more details i can help you. Also the file you mention is dav_svn.conf? which distro are you using? I have it configured on debian, and that file is located in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
Thats the file you should look and edit and of course, add it to the loaded modules of apache.
Yes, Help
We need this solution for the turnkey distro of redmine:
"I have my redmine working with svn (if i create a proyect the svn repo is created and the users are able lo login with the same credentials they use to login to redmine) "
Please - any help welcome.
Resolved in new builds?
I was reading to see if this has been fixed in the distribution - or if these extra steps still need to be done afterwards? I sure hope its been fixed. :)
I'm not sure (I don't use it) but probably.
I suspect that most of this thread relates to the previous (v2009.x - Ubuntu 8.04 based) TKL release. The current v11.x range is based on Ubuntu 10.04 so is quite different under the hood - although many things remain relevant.
Only Tiago's post (post above yours) is within the v11.x timeframe so that may be relevant.
Try it and let us know how you go.
Sadly - no
I finaly had time to check the latest release - what a wonderful distribution!
Sadly, the repositories are still not created automatically - the root concern of this thread still exists. Has anyone a solution? I imagine a cron task would be the simplest way - I think thats how other distributions do it - but I dont know where to begin.
Want More info?
I would be happy to provide more information - but i'm not sure what to provide. The repositories .. dont get created when the project does. It seems thats the simplest way to state it. Virtually all other distributions of Redmine have some way around that - I'm loyal to turnkey. Could somebody help figure this out?
Hmmm, should ideally be good to go
Out of interest I just came across a plugin that may acheive what you're after. Perhaps give that a go and see what you think. Be good to hear back, especially if it works for you..
Maybe - but almost
My first attempt with your suggestion didnt go perfectly, but progress WAS made. Im doing a fresh install now to try again.
After I installed the plugin, the svn was created using the new plugin (I saw the results in the filesystem), but Redmine didnt see the repo, and never displayed it as being there.
I think I just didnt put the SVN/GIT folder where turnkey distro expected them to be. Can anyone tell me where they should be placed for turnkey redmine webui to see them?
Still Stuck
The plugin works to a point, but the SVN never show up in redmine webui. This system is perfect - so close to be usable. Ill keep my fingers crossed that someone smarter than me will fix it.
Ok, thought it may have worked
But obviously not. I thought that may have been an easy workaround. Guess you'll have to try the original cron job suggestion as linked to above. The following post seems to have a revised cron entry.
And yes I think it'd be great if TKL could devise a way so this wasn't a problem, or at least was less of a problem.
Agreed! So close to wonderful, but unusable currently
Your comments are completely correct. There seems to be no path to success with this release - and its a real shame. Because this release isnt functional, we are foced to use an almost identical distribution that is a sibscription product. The ONLY thing keeping us from using this version instead - is that it doesnt work. LOL. We are real turnkey supporters, but nobody from turnkey ever answers this thread - and the situation for this hasnt changed in more than a year. Most depressing.
SVN: Turnkey with jumpstart...
Greetings all,
I've just joined the svn sufferers club :-(
The Redmine appliance itself looks nice, but it does not seem to be integrated with svn!
So I've just set up the svnserve in the very simple way, as explained in The SVN Book.
Edited /srv/repos/<repo path>/conf/authz and passwd files. Entered svn user names and passwords manually. These can be different from Redmine credentials, but svn clients woud cache the repo URL with credentials anyway, they do not know a thing about the Redmine web interface.
Now I am able to access the demo svn project by URL: svn://<server>/svn/helloworld/trunk
It is obviously not perfect - but much, much better than nothing.
A question: the demo helloworld repo is defined with file:// protocol, while users obviously will access it thru svn:// Is this ok? Should it be set to svn://localhost something?
-- pa
svn configuration
Thanks this is useful. Exactly what I wanted: connect thru http instead of svnserve. Will try.
But could you explain why to use ftp to upload files to the VM? Any problem with the webmin upload tool?
-- pa
Is that what you meant?
I just added a little to your 'hint' paragraph. Is that ok?
How's that?
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