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Extending an LVM volume: Physical volumes (partitions) -> Volume groups -> Logical volume -> Filesystem

Logical Volume Management (AKA LVM) is a powerful, robust mechanism for managing storage space.

In TurnKey 11,  instead of installing the root filesystem directly to a fixed size partition, we setup LVM by default, and install the root filesystem to a Logical Volume, which may later be expanded, even across multiple physical devices.

Unfortunately, as with anything powerful, to get the most out of LVM you first have to negotiate a learning curve. From the feedback we've been getting it seems that confusion regarding LVM is  common with new users, so here's a quick "crash course"...

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Python performance tests reaffirms "premature optimization is the root of all evil"

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil"

Today while programming I found myself thinking about the performance impact of various basic Python operations such as method invocation, the "in" operator, etc.

This is a mistake because you really shouldn't be thinking about this stuff while programming. The performance impact of doing things one way vs another way is usually so small that you couldn't measure it.

Time for a human readable privacy policy?

Up until now TurnKey hasn't had an explicit privacy policy, and that seemed ok because no one ever asked about it. But now that the latest release integrates TurnKey appliances more closely with the TurnKey Hub (e.g., TKLBAM, geo-ip auto apt mirror) and the Hub gets access to sensitive data as part of its normal operation, I felt it was about time we gave this some more thought.