TurnKey 11.3 maintenance release - next stop Ubuntu 12.04!

Ho ho ho, happy holidays everyone! I know most of you are already shifting into holiday mode, so I'll keep it short and sweet.

We've just pushed out TurnKey 11.3 - the final maintenance release based on Ubuntu 10.04. The next release will be based on Ubuntu 12.04. We're already shifting into high gear for that. There will be surprises. Hopefully good ones!

Anyhow the new images we just pushed out from our CloudTask automation swarm include fixes for various bruises and scrapes, as well as the very latest security updates.

If you've already installed a previous version of TurnKey 11, you don't need to download anything because by default TurnKey is configured to automatically install all of the security updates over the network.

The maintenance release will mainly be of interest to new users and existing users doing new deployments. Especially those of you who are super impatient like mua and don't care to wait long minutes after deployment for the system to pull over a ton of security updates. This cuts down the time it takes to fully deploy Core in the cloud from 5 minutes to just 30 seconds.


Timeout's picture

About CloudTask, I am still trying to figure out how to do a mass server upgrade using single commands. I guess that i have to try again.

Any change to support 64bit? Also, it will be nice to have a full upgrade instrcution to upgrade 10.04 to 12.04.


Jeremy Davis's picture

But upgrading from 32 bit to 64 bit isn't possible. Also I personally would advise against upgrading from V11.x to v12.x (ie/or 10.04 to 12.04). In my experience an insitu upgrade is generally problematic at the best of times.

Using TKLBAM is a much better option IMO. It may still not be flawless and may require a tweak or 2, but I still think is a preferable option. And it will be your only (easy) option if wanting to migrate to 64 bit.

Jeremy Davis's picture

AFAIK the plan is to complete the v12.0 Debian based appliances (existing appliances plus some new ones). Once that is complete then the devs will move their focus to Ubuntu. AFAIK they will definitely do 64 bit Ubuntu appliances. I think the question will be whether they go for 32 bit Ubuntu appliances as well...

Jeremy Davis's picture

The M in TKLBAM stands for Migration so in short yes.

Practically it will depend on the appliance and the changes between the version included with v11.x vs the version on (Ubuntu based) v12.x. So you may need to take some extra steps to get it all working nicely. TKLBAM simply transfers the data in, there may be update scripts/changes in config and/or DB layout etc that will need to be done. That will be on a case by case basis (eg appliances like LAMP will require little or no adjustment, other appliances may require a bit more work).

IroeN's picture


Great to see that things are going well. Question is when because I have to make a decission and I'm wondering if the new releases of appliances (especially LAMP for Proxmox VE) will be available sooner (week-two) or rather later (3-4 months)?

Jeremy Davis's picture

Currently the devs are working on Debian based v12.x appliances so if you want to stick with Ubuntu base then it will be some time away (months...) before they will be available. OTOH if you want to switch to a Debian base then I imagine they will be released relatively soon (weeks...?) But I don't know for sure...

Jeremy Davis's picture

But it will probably be months away... Progress is being made on the Debian appliances but their release still may be a little while away. I'm not sure yet, but I think the guys are thinking of releasing Ubuntu 64 bit only...

Jeremy Davis's picture

That's why they haven't been doing much blogging. I can assure you that there is work going on behind the scenes...

Jeremy Davis's picture

But they have jobs and families and lives in general too... Alon did post today in the forums... I haven't heard from Liraz for sometime but that usually means he's deep in development (he gets easily distracted so maintains radio silence).

But of course you are right, it would be good to hear from them more generally, with a new blog post or something, or better still a release! :)
