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Alexandre Takacs - Mon, 2012/10/15 - 09:54
re-opening this subject... I was planing to start with the base TKL 12 image and install OpenERP on it.
Good idea ? Any advice / suggestion ?
re-opening this subject... I was planing to start with the base TKL 12 image and install OpenERP on it.
Good idea ? Any advice / suggestion ?
Looks pretty straight forward
The docs seem pretty complete for installation. Hopefully all goes smoothly, if you have troubles just remember that TKL v12.x is based on Debian 6 now.
The only thing I'd add, is perhaps it'd be better to start with the TKL PostgreSQL appliance instead? Assuming that you'll want to backup with TKLBAM...
Can you backup PosgreSQL already with TKLBAM
I thought it was still in development..
AFAIK it's been available for some time...
Although I actually don't use any appliances with PostgreSQL so I'm not 100% sure...
IIRC it was released just before v12.[Update] As of 25/01/2013 TKLBAM does not currently support the PostgreSQL appliance (or any other appliances that use databases other than MySQL) OOTB. However, using the TKLBAM pre and post backup/restore hooks to dump/insert the DB and the --force-profile switch (to avoid the warning) it can be configured to work.
Good point about starting
Good point about starting with the TKL PostgreSQL - indeed TKLBAM is one of the key reason to use Turnkey :) ....
I would to for OpenERP 7 now that it is available.
For OpenERP 6.1 on Lucid this for sure would be good guidance:
for OpenERP 7.0 on Squeeze this should be good guidance:
You could use wget from this Site once you figure out which folder you want at OpenErp
This is very much on my todo list. 7.0 seems really good. I had 6.03 running for a year with a test link to Magento and it was ok, but the 7.0 build seems really really usable. Who knows about the Magento link but there are folks who can get it done.
Also even more succinct instructions here;
(text from the llathama ink is basicaly:)
OpenERP or also known as OpenObject is Open Source Software written in Python starting over 13 years ago by Fabien Pinckaers (pinky) for his father and later his uncle's businesses. Today OpenERP provides the infrastructure for huge swaths of the manufacturing, hospitality, and other industries.
Super Easy install...
user@:~$ su
root@:~# echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
root@:~# aptitude update && aptitude && upgrade && aptitude clean
root@:~# aptitude install openerp
Accept the package by typing yes and hitting enter. Will update this with a key addition.
Developers and curious folks can run: root@lappy4:~# tail -f /var/log/openerp-server.log
Open in a webbrowser
Follow the super simple instructions.
A few adjustments...
I'm not sure whether that would work without a few extra steps. So here's how I'd do it on TKL:
echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openerp.list
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install openerp
Open http://<appliance-ip-or-FQDN>/ from a web browser to complete install...
The change to the first line are only personal preference (I like to have an additional spearate sources.list and keep the default one as-is). The second line basically just incorporates 4 & 5 and uses apt-get instead of aptitude (and skips the cache cleaning).
ok, thank you.. never mind the next response
I didn't see the guidance when I wrote the next response.
Whats up with the / ./ at the end of the package callout above? Is that normal Linux speak
(I crossed out the response below on the subject though unfortunately search engines don't read redactions)
Seems to be installing (port will need to be specified)
It seems last time around (a year ago w/ version 6.03) I was specifying ports. Instructions above were specifying a port # to call OpenERP (that I can't read just now in reply mode).
It would be nice to have a "Project Wiki" that could accompany threads like this to do documentations on the way.
(A little here)
Install LAPP
Setup Network
apt-get upgrade (since Static IP's wont update at startup time until after the IP is set up)
apt-get install tklpatch (answer yes half way through)
(if you are going to use Aptitude.. also
apt-get install aptitude
echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openerp.list
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install openerp
(Probably need to go into Apache to assign or reassign the Port or Home Page first)
Open /">http://<appliance-ip-or-FQDN>:PORTNO/ from a web browser to complete install...
(need to specify and control the port, likely in Apache)
INSTALL Takes a while so I will report back.
huge install...
It would be worth trying this on TKL CORE. I almost expect we are getting a double Postgres install but not sure yet.
Seems the destination for OpenERP should have been specified
I am not sure where this is all loading (still loading) but it strkes me we should have specified a "where" in the
apt-get install openerp
command line..
still installing.
Working on understanding this...
Redacted for now:
I am getting an error that I have an Malformed line in this. Seems like the "/./" is wrong but I really don't understand. Also it seems the callout above is putting this in a sources folder/file that is different than Turnkey's. Seems these should be the same, but there are also other places perhaps this should be stored.the above instruction loads.../etc/apt/has the file: sources-list(having the following contents)but then running aptitude to load this I am told there is a "malformed line 1" and, then "couldn't read list of packages when the following is run (after having installed aptitude)aptitude update && aptitude && upgrade && aptitude cleanTurnkeys sources seem to be:/etc/apt/sources.list.dhas the file: sources-list(having the following contents)Should these be combined? How should I define the source for OpenERP?I will keep exploring.
Apache not built into TKL LAPP Webmin Module.
I need to go fishing. I recall this back in the Magento Pach a while back. Had to install the Apache Module.
Adrian calls out: apt-get update && apt-get install webmin-mysql webmin-apache
(but the ide is not to install webmin-mysql so I will run with:
apt-get update && apt-get install webmin-apache
I've been installing to the Posgres Appliance and Not the LAPP
Postgres has the Database server but not Apache.
I just installed Webmin-Apache, but it looks like I am building Apache on root next.
I should have started on LAPP (Linux Apache Postgres)...
Live and learn.
VERY Cool, having loaded WebMin Apache, I am prompted to download and load Apache itself.
I still don't know, however, whether OPENERP even needs Apache.
Apache now installed, but I have to find if I can load OpenERP somehow still. Definitely went in.
(as I noted the :8069 port did not work earlier. Perhaps it will work now)
Yep, can't find where OpenERP landed (2 Web Servers toO)
I see that Light PPD was loaded for Postgres. Now also Apache.
All this and I can'f find where OpenERP landed (definitely donwloaded)...
Any thoughts? I'm
not findingfound /etc/openerp/ (but it just annotates about database creation)Will try in the AM on TKL LAPP and try to have the packages end up in a known place.
Same boat...
I think there is something wrong with the deb... I tried installing to LAPP, Postgresql and Core and it didn't work on any of them... The appliance is not even listening on the port that it's meant to and I can't find any openerp files anywhere... whereis openerp only returns etc/openerp (and no binary...)
Thanks for the confirm. Sure was downloading...
This link, a little older, may have a different approach:
Alternatively, last year when I did this I recall usng a WGET command. Is the variable that apt-get will load a package that gets updated where WGET is a one time load?
Found it.. (lets move the conversation to Bottom of Thread
Ran the command based on this link:
dpkg - L openerp
/user/shared/pysshared/openerp (then lots and lots of entries, too much I expect)
plus 2 last lines at:
I think next thing to do is to try to control where that ends up.. Ideally in /var/www
the other issue is taking control with the proper webserver so that Postgres can be accessed along with OpenERP.
Will still try here on TKL-Posgres a little, but next go to TKL-LAPP as I know Apache better than LightPPD. Likely to go slower this time of day than last night but it is the weekend at least.
see you at the bottom next.
TKBACKUP not ready for prime time
As per suggestions above I installed openERP on a TKL PostgreSQL appliance. Things are working fine so far.
Having my server to my liking I tried this:
Whoops... the whole point was to be able to use TKBackup...
Any advice ?
Oh no... :(
Sorry, it looks like I have misinformed you! I was sure that the TKL guys had fixed that up sometime ago. I just went back over the most recent blog posts and must admit that I couldn't find mention of a fix being released that included it so I must sincerely apologise.
I have contacted the devs to see if they can give some clarity on the situation (I know that some time ago Liraz was planning to make it's inclusion in TKLBAM a priority - and perhaps that's whay I thought it had been updated).
I recall that therre was some sort of (unsupported) workaround to include PostgreSQL backups in TKLBAM using the pre and post hooks facility, but it was never totally clearly documented anywhere (just hints on the pieces required to do it yourself).
My advice would be to read the advanced TKLBAM documentation and research creating a hook to dump the PostgreSQL DB on backup (and restore the dump on restore) and then use the --force-profile option to create the backup. Obviously you'll need to put the DB dump file somewhere where it will be included in the backup.
Ok looking into making my
Ok looking into making my custom settings - obviously I would have prefered an "official" support...
That being said I would think that PostgreSQL is "mainstream" enough to warrant some attention.
Got confirmation that I was wrong
I have spoken with the devs and they have confirmed that there is currently no official support for PostgreSQL ... yet.
They assure me that they are working on it but haved changed tack. They are looking to create a generic TKLBAM database handling functionality which will allow support for multiple different DBs (rather than just adding specific PostgreSQL support). The upside is that this will allow greater flexability into the future and allow TKLBAM to support other existing DB appliances (eg CouchDB) much easier. The downside is that it is taking much longer than originally hoped.
So the way to go is as I mentioned above. Obviously test this thoroughly before you need to rely on it, but I can see no reason why it won't work.
Thansk for the follow up -
Thanks for the follow up - will report with what I managed to patch together :)
TKLBAM is now working w/ Postgres but you likely know that
Recent update to TKLBAM now works with Postgres. I went at least back to version 12 Squeeze.
(just to update the thread)
Process should seemingly include
I have not yet done this but I would
In Postgres
DUMP the Database to a file that can be backed up
test to see if you can "restore" the database from that File
in TKLBAM (so you don't get the error)
--skip databases
(being sure you still backup the Dump)
I would recomend storing a finite set of the Dump Files. Perhaps 3 so that you don't get a Huge Bloat to your database size in your backup.
I have not customized the TKLBAM auto scripts, but it is pretty easy to specify --limits in Manual Backup and restore processes.
I am going to see if I can get an OPENERP build done as well. What version did you end up installing?
But you will also need to '--force-profile'. Unfortunately I'm not sure of the specific profile names/format but judging by the error message I would assume something like 'turnkey-mysql-12.0-squeeze-x86' or even 'turnkey-core-12.0-squeeze-x86' would work. Note though if you use the profile of an appliance that includes MySQL (eg the MySQL appliance) then you will need to '--skip databases' to avoid issues (if you use an appliance profile that doesn't include a MySQL DB then you won't need to worry).
When you are testing I would make sure that you try restoring to a fresh instance of PostgreSQL appliance as well (as you would have to if you had a hardware failure).
I'd love to hear how you go and it would be great if you could document your findings thus helping others in a similar position (just post back here to this thread if you want). Also if you have any issues ask here too. I can't guarantee that I will have the answers but more than happy to try to help! :)
If TKLAPP profile won't run through TKLBAM start w/ Core
I think some of the instructions above will install Posgres so if started with CORE one could run TKLBAM and all should work.
I thought you could backup TKLAPP by itself though (I understand about the database).
AFAIK the TKL LAPP appliance will error on backup
See the error message posted above. And yes you could use Core instead, but I think LAPP is ok, just need to --force-profile to avoid the error.
Version Control for the Project?
I am in the early stages of building one. Just installed TKLPatch over a fresh TKLLapp install.
The TKLPatch instructions says best to use a Version control system and I'm wondering if Launchpad or GitHub would be best. As OpenERP has been using Launchpad it would seem logical to go that way.
Any thoughts and would anyone else want to participate? I've never worked w/ Version control systems.
Personally I love GitHub and have been using it for all patches that i have worked on for a while now. Launchpad is probably fine too, but I am now familiar with git (and AFAIK Launchpad uses bazaar which I have no experience with).
Here is why I would suggest GitHub:
At the end of the day, though it probably doesn't matter that much. As long as you are using some sort of version control so you can tweak/adjust your code with facility to backtrack if you muck something up.
Thank you Jeremy... note though that
TKL BugTracker is on Launch Pad. I am not really sure why.
Off on a Tangent now, but if you go to OpenERP on LauncPad it seems the whole confusing system is there which at least gives you some comfort.
LaunchPad is provided by Canonical
So with TKL starting out as Ubuntu based it probably seemed like the thing to do (makes linking bugs in TKL that actually relate to upstream software very easy). Now TKL is Debian based, that rationale is less relevant. However we need to have a bug tracker and it works quite well, so no point moving it elsewhere IMO (until something radically better comes along).
AFAIK though LaunchPad has never been used to host TKL code. I think Alon and Liraz use git exclusively (and now have some it hosted on GitHub) and LaunchPad uses Bazaar...
Apache vs LightTPD is likely irrelevant.
I found
but I would like to set up a separat Port for the OpenERP stuff.
Really I should go to Apache and try this again, but while this is all here....
my recollection now is that the index.html (in /var/www/) should be modified to give Ported Links to OpenERP
OpenERP seems to be its own WebServer / NetServer.
Needs to be controlled on its own, with a few Ports specified and started and stopped as Service.
I believe we have it in the system but question of a good load is there, and question of how to Control is next.
openerp-server - h is supposed to give list of options
I am getting the error:
"Unable to locate package PIL"
openerp-server (command by itself) starts to run but again returns the same.
Seems to be a package file as part of OpenERP / Python that perhaps was not imported properly.
Will try with Lapp Next
I went to shutdown the Appliance and I find Apache and LightTpd fighting for Port 80.
I will bring this down and look again at the 6.03 Patch. As OpenERP changed all the sources I mostly gave up on it, but under neath that is, I am sure, the skeleton of the correct Ap structure and different Port Calls etc.
I am not seeing how I can Post the Patch Modification I did (added magentoerpconnect mainly) but there is alot in the config to look at.
Old Patch File and path towards modification
Was installed on TKL Lapp (my modification seemed to have been around magento erp connect.
Patch Text (conf-la) (pwds should be changed) and likely were post install. Never really went live but did function (and is functioning now). This Patch however will no longer install as the source files have changed. Should be able to redefine these two lines to aim for version 7.0 in the Nightly Directories cited above.
WebClient drives off Port 8080 in http. Does not drive off of TKL SSL which is a problem.
OpenERP client (python standalone) drives off of 8070 looking like this.
I will confirm, when I go into Apache, none of the OPENERP POrts are called out so Apache Proper is not Serving this. Seems could be installed on Core or PostGre just as well. Still need to disect how the OpenERP service is being controlled.... though I am sure it is Pointed to in the Text above.
as a side note:
I also had these notes along side.. seemingly learning notes about Bazaar (bzr)... I don't think real relavent to this.
I see this is New from
I see this is New from OpenSourcerer for version 7.0
Likely can be modified towards Debian
Also Version 6 Official Reference for Configuration is here which explains the building blocks perhaps.
I don't think there is much documentation yet for version 7.0 so this may or may not be completely relavent. Version callouts for 6.0 and 6.1 even jump around quite a bit.
As far as I can see they don't want this to be easy, while not completely breaking the idea of Open Source (they really want to host your systems I think)
Primary Credits for Patch above to
Bino Oetomo
Thanks Guys!
DO NOT RUN BZR on OPENERP unless you have a day to kill
I have made great progress till I took the BZR route. Looks like not having Logged In to Launchpad was a mistake. Taking more than forever to get the addons downloaded.
If we can control Apt-get or just use WGET it is the better path it seems to me.
Log till now on this attempt:
Almost.. perhaps.. Is it worth the effort ?
I get this when I follow the OpenSourcer guidance when I finally (after additionally apt-get installing both python-pil and python-imaging)
su - openerp -s /bin/bash
openerp: OpenERP version 7.0-20120127-000101 openerp: addons ppaths: /opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons openerp: database hostname: localhost openerp: database port: 5432 openerp: database user: openerp openerp.service.wsgi)server: HTTP service (werkzeug) running) openerp: OpenERP server is running, waiting for connections
But I can't connect yet via the Web. Somewhere I saw a indication of IP but I can't find that now.
I am going for a HALT: System is shutting down.
I am tired.
START file wierd but an OpenERP response in Browser
As usual, wrangling with this. I actually got an Error from OPENERP rather than blank pages.
Wrestling with controlling the start script, but likely permissions underneath that.
This Guidance has been most helpful:
The Start script is like a dog chasing its tail.
Root can invoke the script then is told it is a security risk to do so (aborting)
Openerp (via -su) does not see a script
Bin/Bash under -su Openerp actually starts the server and no errors are seen in SHELL
Once There, I run first Start
http://(mydomain):40069 (from within my Firewall to eliminate anything there) and I get some Graphics, the possibility of database creation and the following Error: (Authentication Fails for USER OPENERP... which brings us back to comparing OpenSourcerer (who calls out a Password) and the link above (which seemingly makes a --system user that should work, but so far is not)
Psyched to get an error actually.
Client Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/openerp/web/addons/web/", line 195, in dispatch
response["result"] = method(self, **self.params)
File "/opt/openerp/web/addons/web/controllers/", line 708, in get_list
return db_list(req)
File "/opt/openerp/web/addons/web/controllers/", line 87, in db_list
dbs = proxy.list()
File "/opt/openerp/web/addons/web/", line 31, in proxy_method
result = self.session.send(self.service_name, method, *args)
File "/opt/openerp/web/addons/web/", line 104, in send
raise xmlrpclib.Fault(, formatted_info)
Server Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/openerp/web/addons/web/", line 90, in send
return openerp.netsvc.dispatch_rpc(service_name, method, args)
File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/", line 289, in dispatch_rpc
result = ExportService.getService(service_name).dispatch(method, params)
File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/service/", line 122, in dispatch
return fn(*params)
File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/service/", line 351, in exp_list
cr = db.cursor()
File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/", line 477, in cursor
return Cursor(self._pool, self.dbname, serialized=serialized)
File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/", line 183, in __init__
self._cnx = pool.borrow(dsn(dbname))
File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/", line 378, in _locked
return fun(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/", line 433, in borrow
result = psycopg2.connect(dsn=dsn, connection_factory=PsycoConnection)
OperationalError: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "openerp"
my tact from here is going to be in comparing the two Script methods (that are very different) from "The Open Sourcerer" and "VionBlog".
I also need to compare how Users and Postgres Users are definied in the two methods.
Slow as it is, BZR seems the best so far at briniging code in.
Reran (or missed) Posgres Create User (Session Running!)
Creating first Database as we speak. (Ok, made it)
I need to get my hands around the "Super password" which I don't recall creating in this iteration. It was filled in and I went with it....
I have a "first build" running.
Pavan, I have no idea how you
I have no idea how you ended up here but this is a forum dedicted to Trunkey Linux - you won't get much help regarding Win XP over here ! I suggest you post your question in the openERP forum in the install section:
I had some trouble with wget, but bzr works..
BZR works quite well for getting their Trunk Folders, however best to always have some options. Even better to understand it all.
This is a pretty good link vis a vis version 7.0
I've been really happy so far with OpenERP. It is not well documented but works great. We should document it somehow on the TKL site.
My suggestion would be to either start a fresh thread and edit the top post (rather than making new posts) and any new info keep adding/editing the top post. That way the info is all at the top instead of users having to crawl through a whole thread...
But then Zero followers. also just "replying" in the right place
Yesterday got a email message: Followed the link, Posted a comment. Saw then that it was at the bottom (for me) when it should have been connected to the "What about using WGET" comment a few back.
I agree that threads can get long.
Perhaps we could set a "following tag" so if a subject on OpenERP shows itself an email would come in. I am not on the Forums as much as I could but the email notes often bring me back.
The email link should reference the comment location, not just the thread perhaps also.
Best to give reference on Devlopment sites and reference here.
I documented how I built an install (but have not patched)
Also a number of Patches are posted here. It would be great if you could post yours and background about it both on the blueprints, and the patches site below: (Patches takes Code it seems, or at least allows a good link to Code)
I agree that Forums tend to meander. Many of my posts were "on the way to a build"... It is a great system for me but we really need a TKL Patch, then a TKL Build to get some more transportability and optimization in.
If you post a patch I'll bet that can promote a full build.
Thank you!
Lets build a TKLDEV - OpenERP ISO
To answer you, Carlos directly (Patch or Build?)
It would be great to have your help to build a TKLDEV ISO for OpenERP.
OpenERP is working well now and it would be nice to have it in the Stable.
We could work w/ a Team over on GitHub or in the other Devo areas at TKL. Can you ping in on that side? I will ping back.
This sounds fantastic! :)
It'd be great to see a OpenERP appliance. If you use TKLDev to build it and host your (TKLDev) build (instructions) on GitHub then we could see it integrated into the TKL library! :)
see email
Carlos, I think we should move forward with this. I have been making some general notes but it would be good to "get er done".
See my Fork of Postgres Git at:
Thank you for following up. Jeremy, please also Join in!
Lapp uses Apache and Postgres, while Postgres App is more trim.
Hi Carlos,
I will definitely look. We are both in the same place about TKLDEV.. just not knowing how to use it.
Lets look at both and choose a path.
You are correct that you don't need a webserver, but my thoughts are that Database maintenance should be a good addition. I would only recomend having OpenERP run over ports 80 and 443 and Postgres Admin run over a different port.
In a sense the Postgres approach could be cleaner than Lapp (but perhaps you are using Apache to serve OpenERP with Lapp (though I don't know how).
thanks for working ont this. I will check the Branch.
best to you
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