Debian security update breaks v15.x LAMP based servers!

UPDATE: v15.1 update & bugfix release is now available. New versions of all affected appliances can now be downloaded.

3rd party SSL/TLS certs on TurnKey: convert CER/P7B to PEM

Stuart recently asked via support how to use third party .cer or .p7b SSL/TLS certificates with TurnKey v14.x.

As I don't run any permanent websites, I'm not super familiar with different certificate formats. My only experience really has been through my years with TurnKey and I've only ever encountered the text file .pem certs. So I did a quick bit of research to help Stuart out. I figured that seeing as it's been a little while since I wrote a blog post and this info may be useful for others, I wrote it up. :)

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AWS Marketplace: False Positive Security Warning

It was recently brought to our attention that AWS Marketplace sent out a security warning direct to many of our AWS users. This occurred without any prior consultation with us, or verification that there was indeed an issue to warn about.