Announcing TurnKey OpenStack optimized builds

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As we mentioned before, making TurnKey easy to deploy on as many public and private clouds is an important goal for us. Unfortunately there are too many players in the cloud software space for us to support every single one. It's much easier to put effort into making TurnKey work well with the winning horses.

Announcing TurnKey OpenVZ optimized builds (+ Proxmox VE channel)

OpenVZ and Proxmox VE has been a recurring topic of discussion on the forums, for which we have Jeremy to blame thank. He's done tons of research, testing, preaching, and then some.

What I love about Open Source is that if you have an itch, and the drive to scratch it yourself, you can.

TurnKey 11.3 maintenance release - next stop Ubuntu 12.04!

Ho ho ho, happy holidays everyone! I know most of you are already shifting into holiday mode, so I'll keep it short and sweet.

We've just pushed out TurnKey 11.3 - the final maintenance release based on Ubuntu 10.04. The next release will be based on Ubuntu 12.04. We're already shifting into high gear for that. There will be surprises. Hopefully good ones!

TurnKey 11.2, free micro instances, EBS backed cloud servers

TurnKey 11.2: micro instances, EBS support, built-in TurnKey DNS, security updates

We just updated the web site and the TurnKey Hub with the new TurnKey 11.2 maintenance release, which includes:

  1. TurnKey Hub support for micro instances, Amazon's free tier and cloud servers backed by persistent network-attached storage volumes (AKA EBS backed instances).
  2. Built-in support for TurnKey's new dynamic DNS service.
  3. The latest security updates.

TurnKey Linux 11 released (part one)

Ladies and gentlemen, part 1 of the TurnKey Linux 11 release is now officially out, including 45 new images based on Ubuntu 10.04.1. We pushed out the 11.0 release candidates 3 months ago, and with the help of the community have tested the images and resolved the few remaining issues.

Making TurnKey more turnkey - the end to default passwords

In our quest to make the upcoming TurnKey 11.0 release more "turnkey", I set out to extend the firstboot inithooks to include application specific configuration hooks such as setting of the admin password, email and domain to serve (where applicable).

I'm glad to announce that the quest is now over, and that puts the end to default passwords.

New release candidates for TurnKey Linux 11.0 (part 1)

We've pushed out new RC (Release Candidates) builds for part 1 of the upcoming TurnKey Linux 11.0 release and we need your help testing them! See the appliance pages for download links.

The current crop of release candidates only include Ubuntu Lucid based ISO images for now. Debian Lenny based images will follow, as will builds specially optimized for the the full range of supported virtualization and hosting platforms (e.g., VM build, EC2 AMIs, ESX4, Xen, Eucalyptus, etc.).

Beta of TurnKey Core on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Well, it took a little longer than expected, but we are pleased to announce that TurnKey Core - the common base for all appliances, has been released based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx).

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS will be supported for five years.

This is a beta release, so take it for a spin, let us know what you think. If you come across any issues, please report them. If you have ideas on how to make it better, let us know.

2009.10 release: 40 appliances with VMDK and Amazon EC2 support

We're proud to announce the 2009.10 release batch featuring:

  • 25 new additions to the TurnKey Linux virtual appliance library
  • Added native virtual appliance packaging (OVF support included)
  • Amazon EC2 support, with EBS persistence
  • Core improvements: Ajax web shell, upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04.3
