Introducing BitKey - A secure Bitcoin live USB/CD solution built with TKLDev

I'd like to announce a side project we've been working called BitKey. The idea was to see if we could use the TurnKey development tools to create a self-contained read-only CD/USB stick with everything you need to perform highly secure air-gapped Bitcoin transactions.

bitkey screenshot

How Foodsoft inspired me to rewrite the TKLDev documentation

A couple of weeks ago I was corresponding with @wvengen, a free software developer from the Netherlands who has been using TKLDev to package Foodsoft into a ready-to-use Foodsoft in a box solution that can be easily deployed to manage your own non-profit Food Coop.

What's the best way to do free software bounties?

First, I'd like to thank Joey, Noah and Jeremy for providing much needed feedback on a related blog post. Thanks guys. It really got me thinking. What if instead of a contest we figured out how to do community funded bounties? Wouldn't an open, continual system of free software bounties be much a better idea than doing another contest?

What if all Debian/Ubuntu based dists used TKLDev?

Imagine if every Debian distribution in the world in the world was using TurnKey's build chain and collaborating with us on its development instead of limping along with various inefficient ad-hoc tools?

TurnKey currently doesn't get as many contributions back from the free software community as we'd like (our fault). I think there are two main reasons for that:

Building a better, bigger TurnKey library

This blog post started out as a response to a private email discussion between me and contributing developer Eric (tssgery) whom recently developed TurnKey Observium, one of TurnKey's top ten downloads. Observium is very popular for a newly hatched appliance. It has the same number of downloads as Redmine, which we've supported for a few years now!

Eric wrote:

TKL has two big issues as I see it:

  1. Marketing. You're the best kept secret of the internet.
  2. Testing. Too many appliance/products to be supported.
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Creating a bootable USB drive from an ISO image

What's an ISO?

ISO, short for ISO9660 is the standard filesystem format for optical disc media. This is the default format created by the TurnKey GNU/Linux build system (AKA TKLDev)

Why would you want to write an ISO to a USB drive?

Typically one of two reasons:

TurnKey 13.0 ready for community development

Want to roll your own Debian Wheezy based images? You're in luck because we just finished upgrading TurnKey's build chain, including new versions of TKLDev and TurnKey Core ready for download.

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Introducing TKLDev - Turnkey's appliance development and build system in a box

Today we proudly announce the official release of TKLDev, the new mothership of all TurnKey Linux appliance development. With TKLDev, building TurnKey Core from scratch is as easy as running make. If you can handle that you're ready to roll:

TurnKey 12.1 64-bit maintenance release built with new tkldev build appliance

TurnKey 12.1 is out and it's the first 64-bit maintenance release to be built with tkldev - TurnKey's shiny new open appliance build system in a box.

With 64-bit support out the door, we've also pushed out a round of updates to the Hub so that users can finally deploy TurnKey on all instance sizes.


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