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v16.0 Stable Release #2 - 10 more ISOs, Hub & Proxmox/LXC builds
Update 2020-05-20: Please see the third instalment of updated appliances.
Update 2020-05-25: Please see the forth instalment of updated appliances.
Update 2020-06-09: Please see the fifth instalment of updated appliances.
Update 2020-06-29: Please see the sixth instalment of updated appliances.
Update 2020-07-16: Please see the seventh instalment of updated appliances.
Update 2020-07-27: Please see the eighth instalment of updated appliances.
Update 2020-08-27: Please see the ninth instalment of updated appliances.
Update 2020-08-31: Please see the tenth instalment of updated appliances.
Update 2020-10-19: Please see the eleventh instalment of updated appliances.
As a follow up to the first 10 v16.0 apps, I'm pleased to announce, the next instalment of v16.0 TurnKey Linux appliances. Again they are available for download in ISO and Proxmox/LXC build formats, as well as published to the Hub.
As per usual, these updated appliances can all be found on our mirror network or they can be launched directly from the Hub (look for the 16.x text link - in the top right corner). They are also available for download direct from their relevant appliance pages (links provided below).
In this post, I'll highlight the 10 most recent releases. And for those in a rush, as of this post, I'll also start providing a list of all the v16.0 appliances released so far. I'll also provide some notes regarding some of the feedback that we've had so far. I'll also provide some more info about the plan moving forward with regard to the other builds.

Latest v16.0 appliances
As noted, this post notes the 10 latest updated appliances. As per the previous v16.0 appliances, they are all based on Debian 10/Buster so have updated packages. The ones that include software installed directly from third parties have all been refreshed too. Where available, we tend to prefer the latest stable LTS (long term support) version of third part software. Otherwise, we install the latest stable release as of the time of the build. Many also include bug fixes, improvements and/or inclusion of feature requests. Please see the specific appliance changelogs for full info (or ask in the comments).
In alphabetical order, here are the most recent 10 released apps:
b2evolution![]() |
CakePHP![]() |
CodeIgniter![]() |
Concrete5![]() |
EspoCRM![]() |
Ghost![]() |
Matomo![]() |
MediaWiki![]() |
Nginx PHP Fastcgi![]() |
PostgreSQL![]() |
v16.0 Feedback so far
Much of the feedback we've got so far has been pretty positive which is great. But we've also had some fantastic constructive criticism and bug reports. I'll provide a roundup of feedback so far, with any workarounds to know issues and/or links to more details.
Di-live on VMware products
It seems that there is an edge case bug in Di-live that only occurs when installing from ISO to a VMware product. For some reason, Di-live appears to be unable to correctly determine the primary drive to install grub to when installing within VMware. The work around is to select "Enter device manually" (DON'T select /dev/sda from the menu) and then type in "/dev/sda". Please see the issue on the tracker for screenshots and more detailed notes.
Much of the feedback we've had have been related to Confconsole. Some users are not so happy about the fact that you need to log into the terminal to access Confconsole's "Advanced" menu. Others (who had never noticed Confconsole before) have been extremely thankful that they now know it exists! :) We're still open to further discussion on this matter, so please post if you have thoughts and feedback on this.
We've also found a couple of bugs in Confconsole. One was reported by a user, when trying to set a static IP - unexpectedly instead of working, it crashed with a stacktrace! Unfortunately, as I've noted there, I've been unable to reproduce it. So if anyone else has hit these, please share your experience.
Finally, while trying to reproduce the static IP bug, I discovered another. I didn't bother opening a bug report, but I have created a bugfix patch and hope to emrge that and rebuild Confconsole early next week.
Proxmox/LXC builds
We've finally fixed the issue where TurnKey appliance would not run as unprivileged containers OOTB on Proxmox. And just in time too as Debian Buster based containers (including TurnKey v16.0) won't run as privileged containers OOTB on Proxmox now! There is a workaround detailed on the issue if you need a privileged container, but it does have some security implications and generally unpriveledged are recommended.
Apparently the issue has been patched in Debian Buster LXC hosts, so hopefully when we get to doing the v16.0 LXC host appliance, that issue won't apply there. Perhaps Proxmox might apply the same patches that Debian has and fix it on their end too? (Note that they package their own version of LXC).
Alternative builds
VM builds - OVA & VMDK
I built Core to OVA & VMDK, but a user reported that there were issues (on VMware ESXi/vSphere v6.0) with "Debian (64-bit)" not being a recognised OS id, and falling back to "Other (32-bit)" - which won't work! So I'll revert that back to being set to "Other (64-bit)" (as it has been in previous releases).
With that change in place, I'll rebuild and hope to have it ready for testing early next week. Hopefully it will be all good then. If you'd like to assist with testing, please feel free to get in touch.
I did actually start doing the Docker builds of the currently released v16.0 appliances However, I think I jumped the gun a bit. Testing revealed that they didn't really work the way that they should. So I'll need to dig in a little deeper and rebuild them ASAP. If you have any feedback re them, I'd love to hear.
In other news, I finally fixed the appliance page Docker links - so that's something!
AWS Marketplace
As previously noted (in the comments on the previous blog post) the AWS Marketplace builds are coming. I am awaiting some "behind-the-scenes" discussions with AWS. Once they're out of the way, we should have them up and available really soon. In the meantime, if you need v16.0 appliances on AWS, please use the Hub.
OpenStack and Xen
I haven't yet had much of a look at these yet, but hope to at least build Core sometime really soon. Although in other OpenStack related news, I finally worked out the website download link issue. So that's fixed now and once we have the v16.0 build released, they'll be able to be downloaded easily direct from the website!
All v16.0 apps to date
In alphabetical order, the appliances that have been released as v16.0 so far (including this release) are:
b2evolution![]() |
CakePHP![]() |
CodeIgniter![]() |
Concrete5![]() |
Core![]() |
Django![]() |
EspoCRM![]() |
Ghost![]() |
Gitea![]() |
Joomla3![]() |
LAMP![]() |
LAPP![]() |
Matomo![]() |
MediaWiki![]() |
nextcloud![]() |
Nginx PHP Fastcgi![]() |
OTRS![]() |
PostgreSQL![]() |
TKLDev![]() |
WordPress![]() |
Share your testing feedback
Regardless of whether you have a poor or a great experience, we'd love to hear how it goes for you. If you have general feedback, want to offer to help testing or request a specific appliance be prioritised, please post below, or open a new thread in the forums (new threads require being logged into a user account; they're free so feel free to sign up).
As usual, if you think that you've found a bug or would like to request a new feature, please feel free to skip straight on over to our issue tracker (requires free GitHub user account).
I hope you like them and if not, please tell us why. Looking forward to your feedback.
Schedule for the release of Odoo App
Hi Jeremy,
Dou you have any schedule for the release of the Odoo App?
Carlos Vercelino
Hi Carlos, not sure but I can prioritise it?!
Currently we're just working our way through the library in a combination of alphabetical listing, but grouped into the common code that they share (i.e. primarily we're working though ones that are based on the LAMP appliance - they also make up most of the library).
However, we have been trying to be responsive to our community and are happy to try to prioritise particular appliances as per request. We can't offer a solid guarantee on that, but are happy to try to get to them quicker.
Re Odoo, I'm curious on which version you think we should default to? Or perhaps whether we should consider producing multiple appliances with different versions? TBH, I'm not super keen to do that, but perhaps? Or maybe some intermediate step. E.g. provides one particular version by default, but a script to install an alternate version? That would require some consideration and testing and I'm not sure how good an idea it is, but could at least be worth some consideration?
Odoo App v16.0
Hi Jeremy, thank you for your attention.
From my point of view, the main reason to move from v15.1 to v16.0 is the possibility to move from Debian 9/Stretch to Debian 10/Buster. The former comes with Python 3.5 and the new one with Python 3.7.
All the current supported versions of Odoo (v11, v12, and v13) work on Python 3.7, but only Odoo v11 and v12 work on Python 3.5. I have deployed instances of Odoo App v15.1 with Odoo v11 or v12 (replacing the default version) but was not able to deploy an instance with Odoo v13 (it requires Python 3.6+).
Regarding the version of Odoo you should default to, my vote is for Odoo v12.0 (or even Odoo v11.0) whit the addition of scripts to install (in fact, to replace the default version) the other currently supported versions.
Thanks for the feedback Carlos
Ok, I think that a Odoo version upgrade/downgrade script is a great plan to aim for. I've opened an issue for that - along with the rationale.
I did originally think that we should aim to include it for v16.0, but on rethinking it, it's probably best to get the v16.0 appliance out ASAP and develop a script to do the upgrade/downgrade separately.
The next step would be to include it by default in the next Odoo appliance update. Once we're happy with it and it's relatively stable, we could also look to include it as part of the first boot scripts. Although IMO we should provide it as a separate script (rather than only part of the inithook). That way we could provide a Confconsole plugin for it as well.
I think that your suggestion of including Odoo v12 is sensible. Once we have the v16.0 Odoo appliance released, perhaps you might be interested in assisting to develop an Odoo upgrade/downgrade script? Or at least documenting the process that you use?
As for what the script should be written in, I don't have a significant preference, but IMO bash probably makes the most sense. Python is another legitimate option though IMO. Other languages wouldn't make as much sense I don't think...
Building the ISO for Odoo (TKLdev v16.0) has failed
Hi Jeremy,
Could you please give a loot at this post?
Haha! Ironically I only just noticed this post! :)
In case you didn't notice, I replied earlier... :)
waiting for laravel
Eagely waiting for you to add up laravel as well in list, really it will be nice to have.
That's for the request.
We missed a week, but I have another batch of 10 to announce today. I'll try to get Laravel included in the next batch we update.
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