Jeremy Davis's picture


Chances are if you're reading this, you have applied for a TurnKey website user account.

Considering that 95% of all signups are spammers and/or seo farmers, plus the hammering the site has got from spammers earlier in the year, blocking auto signups was probably overdue. However, it can be really hard to tell the difference between a potential spammer and a legitimate user. So I'm almost certain that I delete legitimate accounts when I cleanup the obvious spammer ones.

So this thread has 2 main purposes:

  1. A place where prospective users, waiting for account approval, can introduce themselves, share a little about what they are using TurnKey for and demonstrate that they are a legitimate human; and
  2. A place where TurnKey users who are looking for support can post their question(s)/issue(s) while they are awaiting account approval.

Intro post

The first is pretty self explanatory, but I anticipate that spammers and seo farmers will want to try to game the system and will likely post friendly messages in the hope that they will convince me. So if you fit into this category, please be sure to mention specifically which appliance you are running (or plan to run) and on what platform. Also if you can give some context to your username and/or email, that might help me too. I'm not going to go into what sort of things I use to tell the difference (because spammers will adapt their behaviors) but I'm hoping that this will give some solid hints for legit users, but won't get read by too many spammers. One thing I can say is that the more detail you share, the harder it is to "fake" it, the more specific you can be, the less likely you are to be a spammer.

Guest support post

For the second category, please be sure to include lots of info. The reason for that is two-fold. Firstly, so I can tell you're not faking it to try to get your spam account enabled. Secondly, so that we can provide a useful response (rather than just asking you more questions). Definitely include the specific TurnKey appliance and version that you are using (and/or the output of 'turnkey-version'), plus details of the problem you are experiencing or thing you are trying to do but need advice on. Please provide as much info as possible.

Final words

If you're still reading, I'm almost certain that you aren't a spammer. Please post a new post below (as a guest). In the provided space for email address (which won't be publicly visible), please be sure to include the same email as you used for your account signup. Please note that your post may need to be manually reviewed before it is public visible.

Note too that support type posts will be moved. Other posts might be cleaned up from time to time too, so please don't be put off if there are no posts below.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Leo, welcome to TUrnKey. I've enabled your account, so you should be good to log in and start a new thread in the forums if/when you want to.

Thanks too for sharing a little about yourself. FWIW, I'm in Australia too (in Tassie).

Yeah only the DC appliance uses AD/Samba4 style config. All our other apps that include Samba use the legacy/"standalone" style config.

TBH, my Windows days are far behind me, so beyond the basics (and testing our DC appliance before we release a new version) I'm probably not the best person to be giving you advice there. Although having said that, I have read lots about it. FWIW the Samba docs are pretty good IMO. Speaking of which, I reckon that this is the page you'll want.

Hopefully that gets you going in the right direction. Please feel free to post back (please start a new thread) if you continue to struggle. Despite my note above re Samba, I'm pretty handy with Linux, so might have some ideas and/or some vague memories to help you out. Also FWIW, we'll be building a newer DC appliance soon.

magnox's picture

Dear,  just started using Turnkey today for some ecommerce container in proxmox. Just want to be part of the community and gain knowledge from your forums. I am waiting patiently for your approval.

Thanks so much!

This magnox !

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Magnox, apologies for slow response. I've been pretty under the pump lately and although I haven't responded sooner, I actually enabled your account last week.

Thanks for signing up and please feel free to open a new thread in the forums if you have any issues, questions or feedback.

Greg C's picture

Hello.  So as previously stated I'm just a nerd that like to tinker around with things.  Started messing with linux over 20 years ago but it was a sloooooooow start.  I'd try for a while, give up, try again, get a little further, give up and so on and so on.  Finally a friend of mine gave me the perspective on it that gave me the momentum to actually have it running all the time.  It's not my daily driver but I do have Ubuntu Studio loaded on a desktop and I have a server vm running some app installs and some docker containers.  Long story longer... I'm always trying new stuff and this looks like something fun to play with.  Happy New Year from Las Vegas!!!

Jeremy Davis's picture

I hear you Greg! That was a bit how my Linux journey started. IIRC my first attempt was about 18 years ago, but it didn't go very well. I had a few other attempts but each time it worked for a while, but there was things that didn't work as they should and at least once I had a serious crash and it stopped working. It's getting pretty good now though I reckon and it has been my daily driver OS for about 10 years now and (mostly) it just keeps getting better IMO. I don't even have a local Windows machine these days. I do have a VM that I use for testing, but that's it.

Anyway, apologies on my slow response. I actually enabled your account earlier in the week, but only just replying now.

Good luck with it all and please don't hesitate to open a new thread if you have any questions, problems or feedback.

Mark Macumber's picture

I stumbled upon your site and services while trying to build a network management stack comprised of containers running on Proxmox. I have only been experimenting with Turnkey Linux for a week or two but love the Observium container, the Pihole container and the Jellyfin server container. I am playing with the TK Core machine today. I do not need support but just wanted to join the Turnkey community. I work for the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY USA. Thanks for sharing your great work with the community!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks for signing up Mark and apologies that this response has been a bit slow. I actually enabled your account earlier in the week, but have been tied up with other bits and pieces and have only carved out a bit of time to follow up here.

Thanks for your kind words. And glad to hear that things seem to be going ok for you, but please do not hesitate to open a new thread in the forums if you have any questions, problems or feedback for us.

Good luck with it all.

kunluncat's picture

Hi All.

I am trying to join the community and learn more about the Turnkey. Currently, I already have some Turnkey LXCs or VMs running on my Proxmox homelab server. I am really impressed by the features provided by Turnkey and would like to explore more.

Thank you!


Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks for your kind words and apologies on my delayed response (I actually approved your account earlier in the week, but only just circling back to respond properly now).

Good luck with it all and please don't hesitate to open a new thread in the forums if you have any questions, issues or feedback for us.

Dmitry's picture

Hello! I'm creating my home server and decided to use TurnKey File Server, because I'm new in Linux. I'm using the TurnKey Linux containers in ProxMox. I will be glad to have the opportunity to join your community!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Dmitry - welcome to TurnKey. Your account is enabled so please feel free to open a new thread in the forums if you have any problems, questions and/or feedback for us.

Jules's picture

Hi all, used turnkey in a previous life, looking to rekindle our relationship :)

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Jules, welcome back to TurnKey! :) Hopefully you can see some improvements since you last used it?

Please don't hesitate to open a new thread in the forums if you have any problems, questions and/or feedback for us.

Thomas Lichtenstern's picture

so just please activate

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Thomas, your account is enabled. Please feel free to open a new thread if you have any problems, questions or feedback.

Mauricio Alexander Flórez's picture


I'm using turnkey for my local network services, I've a Proxmox server.

Thank you.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey! :) I've enabled your account, so please feel free to start a new thread in the forums if you have any issues, questions or feedback.

Mike's picture

I have been using the LAMP appliance on my home server for awhile now. I would like to upgrade to the newest version so I created a new LXC on proxmox and mentally created a list of everything to transfer. After doing a bit of reading, I thought I would try the easy way using your backup and restore tools rather than do it all manually.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey.

The easy way to use TKLBAM is to sign up for a Hub account (the website and Hub user databases are separate). If you have any concerns or questions regarding the Hub, please do not hesitate to reach out. I try to respond to forum posts as regularly as possible, but you'll get a faster response to Hub related questions if you use the Hub's "in app" support feature (blue icon in the bottom right corner of every Hub page) or email support AT

Good luck with it all, and please don't hesitate to let us know how it goes.

Scott's picture

Hello, I recently used Turnkey to upgrade our wiki system stack.  Now I am working on updating our Redmine system (stack from those "B" guys).  I am running into a privileges issue on the database migration.

Based on the database users in Turnkey Redmine(mariadb.sys,mysql,redmine,root), I believe the correct user to grant database permissions is redmine.

General procedure:

MariaDB>drop database redmine_production;
MariaDB>create database redmine_production;
MariaDB>grant all privileges on redmine_production.* to 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
>mysql -u root -p redmine_production < backup.sql

I have also tried 'authentication_string' instead of 'password' as it appears the database schema uses this field.  But in either case, when I try to migrate the database (bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production), I get access denied for user 'redmine'@'localhost'

rake aborted! 
ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished: Access denied for user 'redmine'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Scott, welcome to TurnKey.

I have reposted your question (as you - so you can edit it if you wish) over in our support forum. I've replied over there too.

Hopefully that's of some assistance. Please let me know how you go.

John Mason's picture


i am setting up a new home server using webmin and nextcloud.

I am a beginner tbh and just feeling my way around.

I would like to have my account approved to integrate the hub with aws for backups.



Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi John, welcome to TurnKey.

Please feel free to start a new thread in our forums if you have any problems, questions and/or feedback for us.

If you wish to integrate your server with the TurnKey Hub, you'll need to sign up for a separate Hub user account (the website and Hub user databases are separate).

If you have any Hub specific questions, please use the Hub's "in app" support (blue icon towards the bottom right of each Hub page) or email support AT Obviously you can ask Hub questions here on the forums too and I try to respond to all forum posts regularly, but Hub support will almost always get a quicker response (expected response time is within one work day, often much quicker).

Good luck with it all and please feel free to ask about anything you are unsure of.

ZachE's picture

I am not a bot.

I have blood and organs and stuff.

Learning ProxMox stuff for my homelab, and figured a turnkey owncloud server might be a nice start.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi ZachE. Apologies that it's taken me a couple of days to approve your account. I was busy over the weekend :)

Please do not hesitate to open a new thread in the forums if you have any problems or questions.

johns67w's picture

Hi, i am awaiting activiation, in the meanwhile i would appreciate some tech support please.

My current setup:

LXC (via proxmox) 8, just updated from pve7, but issue was the same before upgrading to pve8.


The setup worked, but my homelab has been discounted for about a year. tried to turn the server o

Hi, i am awaiting activiation, in the meanwhile i would appreciate some tech support please.

My current setup:

LXC (via proxmox) 8, just updated from pve7, but issue was the same before upgrading to pve8.


The setup worked, but my homelab has been discounted for about a year. tried to turn the server on, but cannot access webmin.

[snip] - Post moved to support forum.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi John, welcome to TurnKey.

Your user account has been enabled and I've moved (most of) your post to the forums. I'll answer properly over there, but on face value it looks like there is something wrong with your networking!?

johns67w's picture


Adam's picture

I just signed up for a Turnkey account after installing a Turnkey template on my Proxmox server. I'm fairly new to the world of Proxmox and when I saw all of the templates from here, I decided to sign up for an account. So far with Proxmox, I created my own LXC with Ubuntu 24.10 and installed pihole onto it to be a secondary instance on my network in case my primary (hosted on an unRAID server) is down for whatever reason. I didn't see a turnkey pihole template... maybe something to create in the future?


I'm happy to be here and am looking forward to exploring more.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks too for your suggestion. You are right, we don't have a PiHole appliance, but you're also right it would make a great one!

Please feel free to open a new thread in the forums if you have any questions, problems or more feedback.

Carlos Veiga Brito's picture

I am a senior cluster specialist for seismic processing at the CEINPET Cuba Petroleum Research Center, I heard about Turnkey through a friend, who explained to me the advantages of its use, I am looking forward to seeing what possibilities it offers in the development of HPC as a service, to be able to enhance the oil exploration and production activity in my company

If any of you have applied Turnkey containers to HPS cluster as a service for seismic data processing, I am all ears and willing to collaborate with my knowledge.

Greetings to all.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Carlos, welcome to TurnKey. Thanks for signing up and I'm glad to e-meet you! :)

We have many users running TurnKey in production, but TBH I have never heard of "HPS" before, so you've raised my curiosity. I had a bit of a google and couldn't find anything conclusive (there seem to be a few different clustering technologies and companies using the "HPS" acronym). Regardless, I'd be interested to hear more about what you're up to.

Whilst it seems likely that I haven't come across the specific tech you're working with (unless under a different name?) I'd be more than happy to assist and I'm confident that with your specific knowledge and my general knowledge, we could get something working to your requirements.

Please feel free to start a new thread in our forums if you'd like to discuss in detail further. If you're considering becoming a paying customer, then I'd also be happy to discuss further via email if you'd prefer (support AT

Dirk Koppka's picture

Playing around w/Proxmox brought me here while trying to set up my new HL15 from 45drives. Not really new to Containers and such but still a beginner (Requirements Engineer by trade).

Looking forward to exchange some thoughts.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Dirk, happy to have you onboard.

Please don't hesitate to start a new thread in the forums if you have any questions, problems or feedback for us.

Look forward to it. :)

Mark Komarinski's picture

Fresh install of openldap 18.0 in a proxmox vm and trying to use dns-01 challenge to get a LE cert.  I was asked to install lexicon, said yes, got an error that I flashed past.


Post moved to new support thread

Jeremy Davis's picture

I've moved your post to a new thread in the support forums and answered it there.

Hopefully that either gives us some progress, or at least a/some clear error message/s.

RedReaper's picture

Good day.

I am looking into the owncloud or nextcloud containers along with the open vpn and more interested in the gameserver container. would like to see what they can do.

I have requests user access over a week aga and I have not heard back at all.

Hope all is well,


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Jeff, I'm happy to have you here, but I couldn't find an account which uses the same email you used to post this? I'm not sure what happened to your registration a week ago, but I can't see it anywhere?! I can manually create an account for you, and I'm assuming that what you want, but I need to be 100% sure...

So either register for an account (again - sorry) or reply to this post with an explicit request to create one for you (and I'll use that same email address you used to post).

While I have you though, re Nextcloud/ownCloud, I recommend using Nextcloud, not ownCloud. I'm sure ownCloud is serviceable, but Nextcloud is developed by the original core ownCloud devs (the ownCloud company made some choices that upset them, so they did a mutiny and forked ownCloud and Nextcloud was born). Nextcloud is much more featureful, with vastly more plugins/addons and there is a lot more development going on there. So most users generally prefer it.

Hopefully hear back from you soon.

RedReaper's picture

Yes please create the account for me and thank you for the information

About nextcloud.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Jeff, firstly, you are most welcome. I hope that you find Nextcloud of value. Any issues, questions or feedback, please feel free to share in the forums (please start a new thread - unless you find a relatively recent one that exactly matches your experience).

I've created your account and sent an email with details.

Good luck with it all.

NatashiaMaxins's picture

Hi I'm Using Turnkey Core lxc image on my Proxmox home server, to provide some service like openvpn and linuxgsm.

And because the ssh login banner keep mention about TKLBAM, so I decided to figure it out. That's why I registered account.

Thanks you time to my Tunrkey story, hope I can have account activated soon.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Natashia, welcome to TurnKey :)

I've enabled your account, so if you have any TurnKey questions, problems or feedback for us, please feel free to post in our forums.

In case you aren't aware, TKLBAM is our built-in remote encrypted backup tool (please also see the TKLBAM docs). If you're interested in giving it a go, the best way is to create account on our SaaS platform, called the TurnKey Hub (the website and Hub user DBs are separate).

Please note that it requires an AWS account (because your encrypted backups are stored remotely within AWS S3 storage). If you have any issues and/or Hub specific questions, please reach out via the Hub's "in app" support (blue icon towards the bottom right once you create your account). Expected response time is within one work day, but I try to respond as soon as I see messages.

Bartsch Labs's picture

Hi there,

I've played with a couple of TKL Proxmox LXC templates and now I'd like to take a serious look at your Nextcloud LXC.  Your Domain Management and Dynamic DNS looks pretty interesting, so I'd like to create an account and try them out, too.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey! :)

I have enabled your website account. Although if you'd like to use HubDNS (our dynamic DNS service) you'll need to sign up to the TurnKey Hub (our SaaS platform). The user DBs for the website and the Hub are separate.

Good luck with it all and perhaps see you around the forums! :)

PMK159's picture

I need to link TKLBAM to the Hub to use Turnkey fully and post question on the forum. Applied for account 2 days ago

Jeremy Davis's picture

Your account has been enabled. Apologies on the delay (I've been flat our trying to update appliances). Please feel free to post in the forums.

To link to TKLBAM to the Hub, you'll need to sign up over there separately (the website and the Hub have separate user DBs).

Jeremy Davis's picture

The wait is over... :) You're in Mike.

Please feel free to post a new forum thread if you have any questions or issues.

Edman's picture


I run Proxmox with few containers and a couple VMs.

My current project is virtualizing IoT devices products in favor of Linux/Unix based solutions.

Looking forward to learn and to share with this community

Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome aboard. Please feel free to start a new thread in the forums if you have any questions, issues or feedback for us. Hope to see you about on the forums. :)

WhiteTiger's picture


I'm setting up a Debian 12 server for a small development and testing lab.
These are its features: AMD Dual Core, 16 GB RAM, 120 SSD, 4GB HDD in RAID.

I would like to understand how resources are used by installing multiple apps.
Referring to the VMs I use on my PC, 3 VMs with 3GB of memory each occupy 9GB on the PC even when the individual VMs do not use all the memory.


  • how do TKL use CPU and RAM resources?
  • How should I partition disks?
  • How do I install TKL and individual apps?
  • Is Docker used? Do I have to or can I install it separately for those apps not included in TKL?
  • I don't see Guacamole, isn't that expected?

Thanks for your suggestions.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there and welcome to TurnKey.

I've moved/reposted your post to a new thread in the forums. I'll reply there ASAP. See you over there soon.

Jake's picture

Hello, installing the Snipe-IT container in Proxmox.  New to virtualization and playing around with a homelab server.  Thanks for the awesome resources!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey.

Please feel free to open a new thread in our forums if you have any questions, concerns or feedback for us. Thanks too for your kind words. :)

J.Gabriel's picture


I am somewhat new to Turnkey Linux, I have used various Debian based Linux OS's for years and am somewhat of a hobbiest in that regard.

The reason I would like to join the forum is the difficulty i am experiencing in using a ZoneMinder TKL Appliance on a Mac in Virtualbox. I have it working to the point of my home cameras being seen and recorded, plus I can access the webmin, zoneminder console, webshell command lines via a web browser no problem.

Where my issue is, is the NTP service cannot get to the internet, and for some reason the hardware time does not reflect the host mac's time. Nor can I ping or any other command from the appliance outbound. I have checked and rechecked my lans firewall, turned off the Mac firewall, have the appliance in bridge mode in Virtualbox, plus using DHCP with DNS set at address is picked up but but no luck reaching DNS. I have checked the ntp.conf, also the resolve.conf list both and under name servers but to no avail.

Finally, according to the webmin settings the appliance firewall is off at boot.

I have to admit I am at a loss with the DNS issue.

Any help would be appreciated.




Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey. I've enabled your account, so you should be able to log in and post now (without waiting for me to approve it).

Sorry to hear of your issues and it certainly sounds like you've addressed all the things that might usually cause this sort of issue.

It's been years since I've used VirtualBox and I have zero experience with Mac, but I do know that if your Mac uses wireless to connect, that under the hood, VirtualBox needs to do some funky stuff to get it to work (whilst VirtualBox has a "bridged" option, wireless hardware doesn't actually support proper bridging - like a normal NIC does - so in that scenario VirtualBox implements pseudo bridging).

TBH, the technical details are a bit over my head, but I do know that in the scenario you've got set up (if using wifi from your Mac to your router), some routers will just silently drop packets from a VM "bridged" via wifi. If you aren't using wifi then clearly that's not the issue. If you are and have the option of using a wire to connect your Mac to your router, give that a go and see if that changes anything.

Still, if I understand correctly, it's getting a DHCP lease from whatever manages your DHCP (is that what is? Probably your router?) which certainly makes it seem pretty weird that it can't connect?! If you haven't already, I recommend double checking that it can ping your gateway (probably your router).

I also recall years ago that I had issues with "bridged" mode in VirtualBox for no apparent reason. Out of desperation, I just swapped it to NAT and set up rules to allow access to the specific ports that I wanted access to. It's not ideal, but might be worth a try? Actually as you say incoming traffic is working ok, just not outgoing traffic, perhaps it's worth just adding an additional virtual NIC (in VIrtualBox - you'll probably want to do that with it stopped), set the new vNIC to NAT and see if your VM can get outgoing internet via that?

Let me know how you go with that and if you continue to have issues, I'll have a bit more of a think and give you some more things to try.

J.Gabriel's picture


I very much appreciate your help. Turns out it was the virtual box bridged via mac wifi that was causing the outbound communication issue. I switched the mac over to wired nic and walaa, I can ping the outside world through the command line in my appliance. 

I can't tell you how crazy this was making me. I am grateful.




Jeremy Davis's picture

I'm glad that you managed to get it working.

Please don't hesitate to open a new forum thread if you have any further questions, problems and/or feedback for us.

Good luck with it all.

H4T Consultoria e Serviços em T.I.'s picture

Oh damn, i tried to post without the www. or maybe the https? lol and it just wiped all my writings...


lol, i am just trying stuff out since i updated my proxmox to version 8.1

Btw, from the photo u use in your profile, you like trekking, i like it too :) (See, the smooth friendly spam msg you are looking for!)

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Walt, welcome to TurnKey.

I actually enabled your account the other day, but got interrupted and am only just circling back now. Apologies for my slow follow up.

Nice work on the human touch! Yes I do like trekking, although don't do enough these days...

Please feel free to open a new thread in our forums if you have any questions, problems or feedback for us. Take care and hopefully see you about on the forums.

Amsonsrecovery's picture

kindly make my account approved because i want to use this platform. Right now i am exploring things.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there, I have enabled your account.

To be completely honest with you, I do have some concerns that you may be a SEO farmer. Please prove my concerns wrong.

Please feel free to post in our forums if you have any questions, concerns or problems.

Ahmad El-Hamamy's picture

Hello, I just started using this awesome product and appreciate all you work. Waiting for your approval. :)

Thanks a lot

Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks for your kind words. Your account has been approved! :)

Brian Cady's picture

Hi folks,

I am preparing to use LAPP, install Docker Engine, then Mattermost, and eventually NextCloud & Collabora, then OpenProject on a KVM1 Hostinger server. I volunteer for the Green-Rainbow Party ( and am exploring replacing our ancient version of Mailman with Mattermost. I hope to demonstrate to the tech committee the utility of Mattermost as a listserv replacement - we'll see if they like it.

My email address's first part is my name and my phone area code.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Brian, apologies about slow response...

Also I couldn't find the email that you used in your post here. But a bit of searching I discovered a similar password email (with a different mail service) so hopefully I got that right?

Brian Cady's picture

Hi Jeremy,

JD: "But a bit of searching I discovered a similar password (with a different mail service) so hopefully I got that right?"

BC: Could you tell me more about discovering a password, Jeremy?



Jeremy Davis's picture

Sorry for any confusion &/or concern Brian, I misspoke!

I meant email address. I.e. "I discovered a similar email (with a different mail service)".

For full transparency - if/when need be, I can manually reset passwords On the few occasions where I have done that, it has always been at the explicit request of a user who has reported problems logging in (to test that login is working - at least from my end). And I ALWAYS recommend that the user change the password ASAP.

The other things that I can do:

  • change the author of posts - which IIRC I've only done in this thread. (To change a guest post to an enabled user - so the post can be edited if desired).
  • delete users and/or posts - which I've only ever done with spammers (hence this thread existing).

The only password I can see is via manually checking in the database, but it's not your raw password, just the salted and hash of it - which because of random salting and secure hashes, is of no real value to anyone.

I have updated the post above, using strike-through on the mistaken use of "password" - so your post and this response still make sense.

I hope that clarifies things!?

Mike Blecha's picture


I'm in the process of choosing a cont./virt. product for use in homelab.  Working on Proxmox at the moment.  It looks like LXC is both building their own containers and also supporting those provided by TK.  

Anyway if you get a chance to flag me as legit I'll carry on with that.




Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Mike, finally got to circle back to these... Apologies on the delays.

Personally I'm a big fan of Proxmox. They're lovely guys and provide a quality product IMO. As you note, they provide a few of their own, plus provide ours as well.

Anyway, I've enabled your account.

Seeroo IT Solutions's picture

I just want to learn new things from here. It would be great if you can approve my account.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Account approved.

If you need a hand with anything, please post in our forums.

Ed Welch's picture

I am not sure if another comment needs to be posted here?

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Ed, your account has been approved.

3xploit's picture

hi, i want to try wordpress environment using turnkey, please accept my registration, thanks

i tried before but its lack capability to new php version, and doesn't support cache


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there. Which TurnKey appliance version are you using? The latest (v18.0) ships with PHP v8.2 so should be plenty new enough!?

Or do I misunderstand and you need an older version of PHP?

Also re not supporting cache, can you please describe the issue in more detail? There are a multitude of different ways to cache stuff in WordPress, so I'm not sure what cache you are wanting or trying to enable?

PM's picture

Saw site on a CBT nuggets lesson, want to use the site to see how things should be set up so can learn better. Hope you can approve me, don't have a homepage yet. my email has my name Paul spelled paal, this is because I am from the UK but now live in Norway and that's how they spell it over here, wanted to blend in as not very extroverted.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Sorry to be so slow, but your account is enabled.

Western's picture


I'm a Home User of TurnKey File Server and Redmine and I want to use the Backup and Migration capabilities.

Please approve my user access to the Hub Services.


Jeremy Davis's picture

I have approved your account, but if you want the TurnKey Hub, you'll need to sign up over there:

If you don't want the Hub though, you can just skip the Hub API key step on first boot.

John Gordon's picture

Hi everyone,

My name's John and I'm brand new to the world of turnkey. I built a home lab last year and decided to run proxmox. It's been a fun and interesting journey. I found turnkey from a ProxMox Helper script page so I'm eager to try it out. I am still awaiting access and look forward very much to when I can login. Please help me if you can, thanks!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi John, you should be able to sing into your TurnKey server without needing this account set up!? Or do you mean the Hub API key? If so, you'll need to sign up over there: Alternatively, you can skip that Hub API key step on firstboot.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to post in the forums.

Michael H's picture

Hi Jeremy,

I'm currently running the Mediaserver and loving it. I'm looking forward to getting my account approved so I can access the API.

I'm no expert, just enjoy messing around with my homeserver.

I did apply previously a few weeks back, but never found this thread so my request was probably deleted.

Thanks for all your hard work!


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Michael. Apologies on any confusion. I have now approved your account.

Please ope a new thread in the forums if you need a hand or have questions.

Good luck with it all.

kamina's picture


I'm Nikita. I started to use Turnkey Linux LAMP because i want to study front-end. I think there is no other cause. I found out about Turnkey from my friend who is full stack developer, so he said that the most easy way how u can make a webserver is from this application 

Jeremy Davis's picture

Your website user account is now enabled. If you have any problems or questions please feel free to post in our forums.

I see your additional question below too. I'll answer that in a sec.

kamina's picture

Also (i forget to mention this in the first comment) i have troubles to make a password on sign up, i just really dont see a space where i needed to enter the password, if there is no big trouble i need ur help

Jeremy Davis's picture

Do you mean a website password? If so, then I suggest just setting new one:

If you mean something/somewhere else, please give some more info.

maarten.troost's picture

I'd like to change the SSHD port for a mysql turnkey server hosted on amazon. After my changes however, i was unable to connect to the server on the new AND the old (22) port as the connection timed out.
Changes made:

  • /etc/ssh/sshd_config changed to port 12333
  • restarted sshd
  • in webmin adapted the firewall to accept this port (i exptended an existing rule)
  • applied configuration

netstat reported the port as listening for tcp and the sshd service reported success as well but an attenpted ssh connection timed out on the new port
Added another accept rule via  iptables  and rebooted.
Still nothing can connect :(

Jeremy Davis's picture

I assume that you uncommented the Port line too? (I.e. removed the '#' from the start of the line)?

If not then my guess is that's the problem.

If you did, then where is this server running? Perhaps there is some other firewall/security group/etc that is blocking traffic and also needs to be opened?

maarten.troost's picture

ITs was uncommented indeed, and the conf change was effective bc netstat unlisted port 22 and marked 12333 as a listening TCP port.

Right now i managed to find a work around so i can leave it at port 22. Thnx for the help.

Walkabout's picture

Hi I'm just trying to signup.  I just installed one of your Proxmox templates and am trying to learn more about it.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Your account is approved. If you have any questions/problems/etc them please open a new thread on the forums.

Michael's picture

Hi im Michael and waiting for approvel :-)

can't wait to start with this great platform

i will start with ansible on proxmox. Heard to late about this, so my bookstack is already deployed.

 Maybe after ansible a observium and nextcloud will follow.

lets see how I get with the LXC. I'm pretty new on this 

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Michael, I have enabled your account. Please do not hesitate to post in our forums if you have any questions, concerns or feedback.

MasterLog's picture

Hello guys,

I come here as interested in the Wireguard package. I will do my best on this community, see you around!


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi MasterLog. Welcome to TurnKey.

I've enabled your account, so please feel free to post on our forums if you have any questions, feedback or suggestions.

MasterLog's picture

Appreciate your effort! See you around. :-)

Jeff Bradford's picture

Looking to using the turnkey items, while learning more in the environment. 

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Jeff. Welcome to TurnKey.

Your account here will allow you to post in our forums. So please feel free to post there if you have any questions or problems regarding TurnKey.

We also have a SaaS product/service called the TurnKey Hub. That offers 2 services; our built in remote, encrypted, backup service (TKLBAM) and TurnKey cloud servers (hosted on AWS EC2). While they compliment each other, they can be used separately. E.g. if you are running local server/s and want to use the backup service with it/them.

If you want to use TKLBAM then you'll need to sign up to the Hub and get a Hub API key

Craig Boyce's picture

Joining up to get an official account and set up TKLBAM for my fileserver: 

Welcome to Fs-b450p, TurnKey GNU/Linux 16.0 (Debian 10/Buster)

  System information for Sat Mar 30 13:25:53 2024 - EDT (UTC-0400)
    System load:  1.09              Memory usage:  1.3%
    Processes:    36                Swap usage:    0.0%
    Usage of /:   17.3% of 7.78GB   IP address for eth0: 
  TKLBAM (Backup and Migration):  NOT INITIALIZED
    To initialize TKLBAM, run the "tklbam-init" command to link this
    system to your TurnKey Hub account. For details see the man page or
    go to:

    For Advanced commandline config run:    confconsole

  For more info see:

Linux FS-B450P 6.5.13-3-pve #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC PMX 6.5.13-3 (2024-03-20T10:45Z) x86_64

Jeremy Davis's picture

To use TKLBAM (out built in backup and migration tool), check out the page in that link - i.e.: "". Actually to short circuit that, you can sign up to the Hub. Although I'd still recommend checking out the TKLBAM doc page (first link above).

Before you start though, please be aware that under the hood, TurnKey is Debian, so another option is doing a Debian style "in place upgrade". Be sure to have a local backup first. Even if you use TKLBAM, I recommend taking a local Proxmox "snapshot" as well (that will be quicker to restore if something goes wrong.

We're still working through the latest (v18.0 - Debian 12/Bookworm based) upgrades and haven't released the updated Fileserver appliance yet. But if you go the Debian style upgrade route, then you could (probably) go all the way to a 12/Bookworm base.

A third - but almost certainly a bit more painful route is to manually transfer the data yourself to the newer v17.x release. For the fileserver, you'll need to transfer the files (from your fileserver - ensuring that the permissions remain the same), the Linux users, the Samba users (that map to the Linux users) and the Samba config file (although perhaps that's where the Samba users are stored? I forget now sorry).

Either way, we offer free "best effort" support via our forums. Please feel free to open a new thread in our forums if you hit any issues, have any questions and/or want any further assistance.

If you do sign up the Hub, please hit me up via the "in app" support (little blue icon in the bottom right). I will almost certainly respond quicker there (within one work day) if you have Hub specific questions and will provide free "getting started" type support. If you need more detailed support, that is available there too, but we charge for that.

Good luck! :)

Kaslo's picture

Hey, I just started using your WireGuard instance. These Linux container things are pretty cool.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks for your kind words.

I have enabled your website user account. Please feel free to post in our forums if you have any questions, issues and/or feedback for us.

Good luck with it all.

BSFG IT's picture


Funny enough I see others in here using Proxmox.

This is the reason I am here as I wanted to give MediaWiki a try, installed as a TurnKey container.

Booting it up it shows: Mediawiki, TurnKey GNU/Linux 18.0 (Debian 12/Bookworm).

Accessing it via a browser on the webmin interface (port 12321) it is asking me to link to my TurnKey Hub Account.

Thank you.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there and welcome to TurnKey.

I have approved your website account. Please feel free to post in our forums if you have any further concerns or questions. We provide "best effort" free support here on the forums.

The TurnKey Hub is our SaaS platform where you can launch Cloud Servers and/or manage encrypted, remote backups. The Hub sign up is separate to the website.

Backups will work anywhere so long as your local Hub instance has outgoing internet access, so if you have no interest in cloud servers, you can still use the backups feature. The Hub API key links our built in open source backup tool; TKLBAM (TurnKey Backup And Migration) to your server/s. The Hub also provides "basic" support for paying customers and/or you can access paid support there too - or via support AT

Please note that the Hub is a non-compulsory, "value add" service - that funds our activities and helps us keep the lights on. There is no obligation to use the Hub and Webmin and your server will not be limited or crippled in any way. You can use the left hand menu to access Webmin features/tools or the "Dashboard" via the tab at the top.

If you do choose to get an API key (and have skipped the Hub API key step at firstboot), then either enter it on the Webmin TKLBAM page or run tklbam-init.


I found this TurnKey stuff when looking for proxmoxsstuff for my homelab, so i thought i should give it a go.

So far, I have only installed Fileserver, but i want to try more stuff too.

I am hoping for a Key that seems positive to have according to the Fileserver-install.

As for if i am human or not? Well, let me find that out and I'll get back to You :)


Best regards /methuso

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there, thanks for trying out TurnKey

As per my post above if you want an API key, you'll need to sign up to the TurnKey Hub to get an API key.

Good luck with it all, and if you do sign up to the Hub and need any assistance, please feel free to reach out via the Hub support (blue icon in the bottom right of the page) or email support @

drunkez's picture

Hell-O, this is my intro to get into turnkey linux, wanna try it for VPNs, LBs ....


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there, welcome to TurnKey. Your TurnKey website account allows you to post in our forums. So please feel free to post if you need any help and/or have any feedback for us - including suggestions.

If you want an API key please see my post above.

I hope that makes sense and helps you understand. Please post back if not.

Andrew Martin's picture

I am a meat popsicle. This is my second attempt to get into the community. Last time nothing, this time hopefully I'll have better luck.

I am rebuilding my home lab and finally turning off my SBS Server 2003 (it reached its majority this year - 21) and am looking at several options, one of which is Turnkey Linux.

I'm just completing the hardware setup on my new (as in never used) hp ml10 v2 server, Yes, I know it is old, but I've only just had the money and the luck to gather the parts needed to complete the build. All that remains is a PCIE 2x M.2 NVME board and two WD Black NVME 2280 1TB SSDs for the OS (ProxMox). The server has had a CPU upgrade to the 4 core, 8 thread CPU and 32Gb of RAM to fill it out.

I have an additional storage pool of four used WD 2.0TB Enterprise drives (from a lot of 6 I bought for A$130) that will provide ZFS raid storage on top of that.

Eventually, I'll follow along with Hardware Haven and Serve the Home and go to a Proxmoxx cluster. For right now all I want to do is learn about proxmox and my AD options and see if Turnkey  Linux will work to replace my aged AD infrastructure.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Andrew, welcome to TurnKey.

Apologies that I missed your previous attempt to sign up. FWIW there only appears to be one account linked to your email address so I'm not sure what happened there? Anyway, I've approved your website account, so please feel free to open a new thread if you need a hand and/or have any feedback or suggestions for us.

Also, from what I can see from a glance, your second post here (which isn't published) is the same as this one. Sorry if it isn't as I deleted it (probably should have checked properly first!).

TBH, I'm not a TurnKey Domain Controller user, although I have been responsible for updating it of few years now (and test it against a local Win10/11 VM). The current appliance is getting a bit dated now, but I hope to update it soon. The current appliance is based on Debian 11/Bullseye and includes Samba v4.17.3 - installed from bullseye-backports. However it can be upgraded to Samba v4.17.12 like this:

apt update && apt install samba

Or upgrade to all packages via an upgrade:

apt update && apt upgrade

The upcoming release (v18.0 - no ETA currently) will be based on the newer Debian 12/Bookworm and unless there is a strict requirement to include a newer version, will include the same above noted version (v4.17.12). A newer Samba version is available from bookworm-backports (currently Samba v4.19.5). If we include the older one but you want/need the newer, then I'd be more than happy to assist you to update it.

Regarding configuring Samba, our default config should be quite usable for relatively simple AD requirements. For more complicated config, then I suggest browsing the Samba docs.

If you want/need more detailed support as I noted above, I'm no expert, but if yuo open a new thread, I'm happy to provide "best effort" assistance.

Blockchain Global Network's picture

I've just discovered Turnkey's proxmox and container template. I'm very interested in learning how several templates work: Files transfers, torrent, VPN. I look forward to exchanging with you and sharing my findings.

Jeremy Davis's picture

FWIW, considering your username, I'm a little skeptical that you are legitimate user and not a spammer/SEO farmer.

However, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and enable your account.

Please don't prove me wrong.>

negus's picture

Hi all, Just another new homelabber here. I've been playing around with proxmox over the last year - mostly strengthening my networking knowledge and looking at standing up services. Part of that has been learning about LXCs and docker containers, so of course I had to look into TKL. Looking to see what the API key and backup thing is all about.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there. Welcome to TurnKey. Your account here has been enabled

You can not post in our forums. So please feel free to post there if you have any questions, problems and/or feedback regarding TurnKey.

Re getting a Hub key: You'll need to sign up for our SaaS product/service called the TurnKey Hub. That offers 2 services; our built in remote, encrypted, backup service (TKLBAM) and TurnKey cloud servers (hosted on AWS EC2). While they compliment each other, they can be used separately. E.g. seeing as you are self hosting probably only the backup service will be relevant. Assuming you don't want to test out Hub servers, then you may as well cancel that ASAP (sign up gives you a free 14 day trial).

Good luck with it all! :)

worlocc's picture

Hi, new with Proxmox, I just started using Turnkey today for a NextCloud container.

have a nice day

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there. Welcome to TurnKey. And I hope you have a nice day too! :)

Your account has now been enabled.

Please excuse my laziness, but please see the response I just posted above. Hopefully that info is relevant. If not, please free free to respond and/or start a new thread.

joao klem's picture

 I just started using Turnkey today for a nginx container in proxmox. 

Waiting patiently for your approval.

user name: joao.klem_2018647


Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey and thanks for your patience :)

I have now enabled your account..

I'm a bit lazy today, so for more info, please see my response I just posted above. Hopefully that info is relevant. If not, please free free to respond and/or start a new thread.

Jake H's picture

Just learned of TKL last week. Started with PVE about 2 weeks ago. So I thought I would tryout DokuWiki TKL to help me keep track of everything that I have setup and as a place to keep notes about PVE in general.

Just getting back into my self-hosting (starting anew with PVE from Windows). I haven't done much since my son was born about 2 years ago.



Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey Jake :)

I have now enabled your account.

I'm being a bit lazy today, so please excuse me again copy/pasting with a link to to a response I just posted above. Hopefully that info is relevant. If not, please free free to respond and/or start a new thread.

Max's picture

A while ago I installed Leantime on Proxmox using TKL's template. It worked fine.


I also run a mailserver (mailcow) at home and recently got listed again on Spamhaus' exploit and css blocklist.


The info I got from Spamhaus' website it the following:

Why was this IP listed?
[my-public-ip] has been classified as part of a proxy network. There is a type of malware using this IP that installs a proxy that can be used for nearly anything, including sending spam or stealing customer data. This should be of more concern than a Spamhaus listing, which is a symptom and not the problem.

The proxy is installed on a device - usually an Android mobile, firestick, smart doorbell, etc, but also iPads, and Windows computers - that is using your IP to send spam DIRECTLY to the internet via port 25: This is very often the result of third party "free" apps like VPNs, channel unlockers, streaming, etc being installed on someone's personal device, usually a phone.

Technical information
Important: If this IP operates as a mail server, it should look and behave like a mail server. The HELO currently used appears to be dynamic and that is behaviour commonly observed in malware/proxy networks.

Recent connections:

(IP, UTC timestamp, HELO value)

[my-public-ip] 2024-04-12 05:50:00 leantime

Important points:

The HELOs are often dynamic-looking rDNS and usually claim to be from geographically very different networks OR spoofs of major brands.
They can include impossible HELOs like "", "", "" - Gmail, Outlook and Comcast do not use these. These are all fake.
If the HELO does not make sense for the IP generating it, it should be looked at closely.
There is often more than one compromised device.
Guest networks should also be secured.
This is a simple explanation of how it can work:

Any devices with "free" VPNs, TV streaming, channel unlocking, or 3rd-party apps installed are the first things to check.

What should be done about it?
We very strongly recommend securing your firewall to not allow any packets outbound on port 25, except those coming from any email server(s) on your local network. Remote sending of email to servers on the Internet should still work if web-based, or configured properly to use port 587 using SMTP-AUTH. Guest networks should be secured too.

After port 25 is outbound is secured, the proxy needs to be found and removed. We can only see what's coming from the NAT (public) IP; anything inside your network is visible only to you. You can start logging at the router or firewall to see what's trying to use port 25 and that should lead you right to the compromised device(s).

When I saw this report, I closed port 25 (which at the time pointed to mailcow) and killed the leantime container as the only device on my network with the HELO/hostname leantime, was the leantime container.


I checked my mailcow logs and they are clean as far as I could find with the help of the mailcow community.


I disconnected the network of the container and started examining it, but email sending was never set up either for TKL or leantime itself.


Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem/coulprit?

PS: If any more information required, ask for it and I'll try to post it.


Sorry for the bad formatting, I don't know HTML, but am used to markdown.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Max, Welcome to TurnKey and thanks for your report/questions.

Firstly I have enabled your website user account. So please feel free to post in our forums.

Speaking of which, I have cross posted your report re possible spamming/malware coming from a TurnKey instance - as a forum thread. TBH I'm not a 100% sure, but I'll reply properly over there ASAP.

Finally (for now) if you are interested in having a look at the TurnKey Hub and/or getting an API key, please see a post I just wrote above. If that's not relevant, please free free to just respond and/or start a new thread if you have more questions/issues.

Sophie Moreira's picture


I just discovered the community some days ago. I's like to join.

Thx in advance for the approval.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Sophie, welcome to TurnKey. I have now enabled your account.

Apologies for my laziness copy/pasting a link to to a response I just posted above. That info should hopefully be relevant. If not, please free free to respond and/or start a new thread.

Dehertog Hans's picture

hello jeremy,

I'am hans 40year old gamer and IT hobby'ist.

I'am now learning myself the proxmox VM software and trying many different ways of creating servers for plex, owncloud and al my different games and all my crazy idees of linking my data storage to all my node's, pc's and vm's. 

In the proxmox ct template list there are alot of your ct's so i tought lets give some off them a try.

My home lab is comprised of 1 truenas baremetal, 4 proxnodes(3old dell optiplex,1old lenovo sff) and 3 multipuspose pc's.

My running but never used Mobile server box that i am building for possible future lan's consists of 4 old dell server proxnodes with 1 controle pc.

thnx for reading this small intro of my reason to ask account clearance.

Grts Hans


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Hans, welcome to TurnKey. Thanks for your intro and apologies that I've been a bit slow. I have been working on some updates.

Regardless I have now enabled your website account.

Apologies but I've been being a bit lazy lately and rather than a really personalized extended response, I'm just copy/pasting a link to to a more detailed response posted above. That info should be at least relevant in part. If not and you have further specific questions regarding that, please free free to respond here or start a new thread in our forums.

Also, if you have any other TurnKey Linux specific questions, issues or feedback, I'd love to hear it/them, so please feel free to start a new thread in our forums detailing that.

Dirk's picture


I just would like to open a non-paying account.



Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Dirk. Welcome to TurnKey. Thanks for signing up. Your account here has been enabled.

You can now post in our forums. So please feel free to post there if you have any questions, problems and/or feedback regarding TurnKey.

[update] Oops sorry, there was a typo in my previous response I said "you can not post in the forums", that should have been "you can now post in the forums"!

James Harder's picture


My name is James. I am one of many people trying to make more use of Linux and containers and just learned recently about Turnkey (through ProxMox). I am currently working on setting up a homelab.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi James. Welcome to TurnKey. Thanks for signing up. Your account here has been enabled.

You can now post in our forums. So please feel free to post there if you have any questions, problems and/or feedback regarding TurnKey.

Graeme's picture

Hi All, well im a new Homelabber and have been playing around setting a full home network. I now wish to try out the Nextcloud Server and run it on my own server for the family to use and i though i would try the Turnkey option. Im sure i will have questions in the future and hopefully i will be able to contribute in some way moving forward.

Regards, Makaone


Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey.

I've enabled your website account, so please do not hesitate to start a new thread in our forums if you have any questions, issues and/or feedback for us.

Hopefully see you about in the forums sometime. in the meantime, good luck with it all! :)

Rick Chandler's picture

Hi. Just a home-lab geek but hoping to get an account approved.
Jeremy Davis's picture

Your account has been approved. Please feel free to post in our forums if you have any questions, issues and/or feedback for us.

Silko Zipfel's picture


Waiting for approval.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there. I've approved your account, so please feel free to post in our forums with any questions, issues and/or feedback you have for us. :)

Denis Baldwin's picture

trying out proxmox and turnkey for the first time, trying to get my account approved

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Dennis. I've approved your website account. Please feel free to open a new thread in our forums if you have any questions, concerns and/or feedback for us.

Jonathan David's picture

Im using turnkey wordpress and trying to configure my website to get it working with ddns . my IP address changes infrequently so Im getting there...

Im trying to build myself a workflow that is much less dependent on Big Tech, starting with email and web, and I'll probably be adding mastodon or something like this .. (I notice I didn't find a turnkey mastodon server) .  at the moment Im running everything on my own hardware at home.  turnkeylinux flow seems optimized to launch on AWS .

  • I'm an engineer, (nearly) retired, so one of my VM usecases would be for a lightweight workstation VM  with vscodium, browsers and python . what im using for this for the moment isn't turnkey , rather fedora workstation 39 with the xfde spin ... but I'd be open to other suggestions.
  • I'd be willing to write up some of my experiences as guides to new users if there's room for this, I think there is as I went looking for a guide to getting started with turnkey wordpress, and didn't find one so I'm still "setting up" my wordpress installation.

There is your intro and request to approved.. It would have been nice for the email to go out over the weekend.  but I'll delete my gmail based account later. (that's big tech so I'm moving to smaller tech tooling like .. (i'll probably change my email  once I finish my setup)


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Jonathan, Welcome to TurnKey.

Thank for your intro post.

I've enabled your TurnKey website account, so please feel free to start a new thread in our forums if you have any further concerns, questions or feedback.

I notice I didn't find a turnkey mastodon server

It's been requested a number of times and we're certainly not opposed to it, but we're a small team and have a lot going on. If you're keen to have a go at creating one, then we provide our build tool chain and I'd be happy to give you a bit of coaching.

turnkeylinux flow seems optimized to launch on AWS

Yes and no - let me explain. We do have an optimized build for AWS and a remote encrypted backup tool/service. We encourage it's use for both Cloud (AWS servers and backups), as well as local servers (backup and data migration only). We encourage the tools that leverage AWS as a matter of survival and sustainability. It's the only revenue source we have and it helps keep the lights on and pay our few committed open source contractors. They do the lions share of maintenance and development work - at well below market rates. We have always had intentions of supporting other cloud providers, but we have limited resources and a million and one things to do. So it's always a matter of deciding on priorities. Everything we say yes to is saying no to everything else, at least for now.

Beyond the AWS builds, we also provide both ISOs and LXC/Proxmox builds. These are both free (as in beer and freedom). They are intended to be downloaded and used locally and whilst we do encourage the use of our services, there is no obligation. We have previously done VM specific builds but the maintenance overhead was a bit too much for us to sustain and the ISOs install fine to most VMs (e.g. VMware, VirtualBox, KVM, etc).

what im using for this for the moment isn't turnkey , rather fedora workstation 39 with the xfde spin ... but I'd be open to other suggestions.

FWIW TurnKey is based on Debian. While it's a little different to Red Hat based distros, the stability is better than Fedora for servers. To be clear, I mean stable in the sense that "things change less and releases are further apart and supported for longer". I don't mean stability in the sense of "fewer bugs and/or functional end user stability". I can't comment on Fedora explicitly as I've never used it, although when I first started playing with Linux, I used a RHEL based distro, then Ubuntu and finally Debian (because it's less buggy than Ubuntu in my experience).

Debian "stable" releases are about 2 years apart as a general rule and are supported with security updates for 5 years from release. We track Debian stable, but due to resources are often a bit slow updating all our appliances. We're hoping to improve that in future, but that remains to be seen.

Many prefer a more "up to date" distro (such as Fedora), especially for desktop use, but personally I use vanilla Debian on my desktop/laptops too, and TurnKey on my servers. IMO more stable is better for getting work done when nothing changes and things almost never break. Rarely ever needing to worrying about updates is preferable IMO. But your use case may be different.

I'd be willing to write up some of my experiences as guides to new users if there's room for this, I think there is as I went looking for a guide to getting started with turnkey wordpress, and didn't find one so I'm still "setting up" my wordpress installation.

That would be warmly welcomed! So as noted at the top, please do not hesitate to post in our forums. And/or our docs section can also be updated/added to by registered users - such as yourself now! :)

i'll probably change my email once I finish my setup

It looks like you ended up using proton?!

Sorry for the essay but I wanted to take the time to answer/respond to your intro post properly. Good luck and hopefully see you about on the forums

Hakchin Kim's picture

Dear team.

My name is Hakchin Kim from Korea.

I installed proxmox and found turnkeylinx.

I would like to study linux system and want to know what turnkeylinux is.

Please approve my account.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Hakchim, welcome to TurnKey.

I've now approved your account, so please feel free to post in our forums if you have any issues, questions &/or feedback for us.

iguruaz's picture

Hi, I recently set up a Proxmox server and have been exploring Turnkey, which I really enjoy!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there and welcome to TurnKey. Thanks too for your kind words.

Please do not hesitate to post in our forums if you have any issues, questions &/or feedback for us.

PC-Experte_Alex's picture

Hello there,

im a user of TurnkeyLinux for many Years. In the Past i used TKL Mediaserver(with Jellyfin), TKL Fileserver, and for tests the Appliances with Nextcloud/Owncloud, Docuwiki and some more..

Actually im Interested to get the Account Activated so i can use the TKLBAM-Feature to Backup the settings. I hope i can use a Local Backup-Target with it. And maybe i use AWS for it(really unsure).

Infos about me:

Im into Linux for many Years. I prefer for Server-Installations Debian and of course TKL. On my Notebook i use Manjaro-Linux. Im 39 Years young and life in Westgermany near the Loreleyrock.

I hope i can you explain im not a spambot :-)



Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Alex. I'm glad to hear that TurnKey has been useful for you.

I've enabled your TurnKey website account, so you can start a new thread if you have questions, issues and/or feedback for us.

To access TKLBAM you'll need to sign up (separately) for a Hub account. If you have any Hub specific issues while on the free trial and if you become a paying customer, please feel free to use the built-in support functionality and/or email via support AT Expected response time is within one work day. If you use it via the free plans, then post in the forums for "best effort" support; response time usually a few days to a week - sometimes quicker.

I prefer for Server-Installations Debian and of course TKL. On my Notebook i use Manjaro-Linux.

IIRC Manjaro is Arch based right? My son uses Arch on his desktop and one of our developers uses Gentoo! I've used a rolling distro before but found myself spending way to much time doing updates, so personally I find Debian stable less hassle. So I use Debian for both servers and Desktop.

Look forward to seeing you around.

Eddy H.'s picture

Hello, my name is eddy. I love Linux, web development, and databases. Please approve my account registration request so I can try turnkey Linux in my home lab. 

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Eddy, welcome to TurnKey

I've enabled your account, so please feel free to post on our forums if you have any questions, concerns or feedback for us. Although please note that signing up isn't compulsory, you should be able to run your local server without it!


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