v18.0 Stable Release #6 - 10 Newly Updated ISOs, Hub Builds & Proxmox/LXC builds

The TKL team is thrilled to unveil 10 fresh updates to our appliance lineup!

See here for all v18.x announcements. These 10 updated apps are available now on the TurnKey Hub, as well as downloads as ISOs or Proxmox/LXC builds.

We're excited to announce that the release of 10 appliances is finally here, after a bit of a wait! Apologies for the delay—the TKL team is focused on streamlining our processes to make our company more efficient and give you guys faster releases.

While there are only a few appliances left to update (some have been retired), please note that the next batch might take a bit longer. We've saved the most challenging ones for last, but we're making progress!

Key Points from this Batch's Updates

These appliances from this batch have numerous bug fixes and enhancements. If any appliance in this batch or previous ones lacks certain updates, you can typically install them via apt. Just keep in mind that one update, the PHP version change/update script in all PHP-included appliances, can't be installed this way. Here's the lineup, listed in no particular order:

  • Downgraded Bugzilla to 5.0.6 due to tracker issues in #1918
  • Gitea as of v1.19 includes CI/CD [closes #1877] & fixed Gitea appliance inithook (note correct username 'gitea', not 'admin') [closes #1808]
  • Installed latest GitLab-CE v16.7.7 - from third party GitLab apt repo.
  • Upgraded to latest LTS version of TYPO3 12.x via composer: 12.4.12
  • Updated Mattermost to latest upstream: v9.0.1.
  • Installed latest Observium CE release - 23.09.13005
  • Installed latest upstream version of phpBB: 3.3.11
  • Install latest version of processwire: 3.0.227
  • Updated roundup to 2.3.0
  • Updated to latest upstream Syncthing (via upstream apt repo) - v1.27.4

Exciting news! Some appliances now come with fixed upstream bugs and added features from third-party providers. This release automatically includes these updates (all upstream software updated since v17.x), bringing even more value to our users.

This Release's Updated v18.0 Apps 

Here are the updated apps in this batch:

bugzilla appliance icon
gitea appliance icon
gitlab appliance icon
mattermost appliance icon
observium appliance icon
phpbb appliance icon
processwire appliance icon
roundup appliance icon
syncthing appliance icon
typo3 appliance icon

All v18.0 apps to date

Per usual, here's all the appliances that have been updated to v18.0 so far:

avideo appliance icon
bagisto appliance icon
bookstack appliance icon
bugzilla appliance icon
cakephp appliance icon
codeigniter appliance icon
concrete-cms appliance icon
core appliance icon
couchdb appliance icon
django appliance icon
dokuwiki appliance icon
drupal10 appliance icon
drupal7 appliance icon
e107 appliance icon
elgg appliance icon
espocrm appliance icon
etherpad appliance icon
foswiki appliance icon
gitea appliance icon
gitlab appliance icon
icescrum appliance icon
invoice-ninja appliance icon
joomla4 appliance icon
lamp appliance icon
lapp appliance icon
laravel appliance icon
leantime appliance icon
lighttpd-php-fastcgi appliance icon
limesurvey appliance icon
mantis appliance icon
matomo appliance icon
mattermost appliance icon
mediawiki appliance icon
mibew appliance icon
mysql appliance icon
nextcloud appliance icon
nginx-php-fastcgi appliance icon
nodejs appliance icon
observium appliance icon
omeka appliance icon
opencart appliance icon
openldap appliance icon
openvpn appliance icon
orangehrm appliance icon
oscommerce appliance icon
otrs appliance icon
owncloud appliance icon
phpbb appliance icon
phplist appliance icon
postgresql appliance icon
prestashop appliance icon
processwire appliance icon
redmine appliance icon
roundup appliance icon
silverstripe appliance icon
simplemachines appliance icon
suitecrm appliance icon
syncthing appliance icon
tkldev appliance icon
typo3 appliance icon
web2py appliance icon
wireguard appliance icon
wordpress appliance icon
zencart appliance icon

Give them a try and share your feedback

Any problems with any v18.0 appliances, any of our custom software or other included tools, please feel free to post in our support forums or lodge an issue on our GitHub Issue Tracker.

Both GitHub and our Forums require registered user accounts. GitHub accounts are easy to create and should "just work" (because they have lots of resources and thus advanced spam managment). Unfortunately due to large amounts of spam, the automated website account approval requires manual approval. If you don't have an account and want one, please register for one. Then follow the instructions in the automated account creation email that should be sent out immediately. An alternate option if you have feedback is to do a guest comment here, using the email that you registered with and note that you also want your website account enabled. If you don't want a website account but do have feedback, please just do a guest comment here.

Please note that any guest posts will require manual moderation. so your post won't be visiable until it's approved. So if you can't see your post, that's likely why.

Looking Ahead

This release is a part of our ongoing effort to deliver robust, secure, and flexible server appliances. We're already working on the next batch of updated appliances, but as noted above, the next batch may not be that quick. As always we're guided by your feedback and the evolving needs of all our user base, please do provide feedback - good or bad. Regardless, stay tuned for more updates, and as always, we value your input and support.

Thank you for choosing TurnKey Linux. Happy deployments!


Carlos Vercelino's picture

Hi Mattalynn,

Any news regarding v18.x Odoo App schedule? Jeremy Davis aimed to include it on this batch and I have been expecting for it.


Carlos Vercelino

Jeremy Davis's picture

Deep apologies mate. I got a bit tied up and actually forgot about my plan to prioritize the Odoo appliance.

I have now explicitly just done a test build of v18.x and it looks good. I'm just awaiting a colleague to have a look. I know I already said it, but my plan is to include it int the next batch, which should be this weekend.

I'll try to give you an update here if I get it ready this week - if I remember. Having said that, it often takes me a day or 2 - sometimes a little longer - to update the website. So if you're super keen, please check the mirror next Monday. If it's not there please post back and I'll give you an explicit update.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Carlos, Odoo will definitely be in the next batch. I expect my colleague will do the publishing tomorrow.

Please note that my other colleague, who worked on the update and did a bit of testing, noticed an error in the odoo.log which seemed related to the cron job/s. However when I tested, I couldn't reproduce it? If you hit that too, please report back with as much info as you can. Even better if you work out a fix, but even if not it would be good to have it confirmed and I can work on a fix.

Apologies again on the slow release of Odoo.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi again Carlos - it's now released.

Apologies (again) that it took longer than hoped. FWIW Alon does the last step of the publishing process and there were holidays in Israel that I wasn't aware of/expecting.

It can be downloaded from the Odoo appliance page - or via the Proxmox UI if you're using that (sorry I forget...).

Fasila S's picture

Excited to see the latest release of v18.0 Stable! With 10 newly updated ISOs, it's clear the team has been hard at work. Looking forward to exploring the improvements in Hub Builds and Proxmox/LXC builds. Great job!
Romaq's picture

Is there an approx timeline on Fileserver 1.17-1? For my specific problem I can just manually add wsdd, but my intent is to release instructions on how a remote client (person) can set this up for Proxmox. If necessary, I can build the "manually grab and run the script" into the install, but naturally it's preferable for me to have it baked into the turnkey. :)

Just as a thread reference for my own research into "where is this project?" I have the following in case you find it useful:

Wed, 2023/11/08- "I'm working on the (as yet unreleased) v18.0 Fileserver appliance (which should be fundamentally the same as the current appliance, but based on the newer Debian release which includes newer versions of software)." --Jeremy Davis

https://github.com/turnkeylinux/tracker/issues/1598#issue-856594507 "If I can have some Windows users confirm that this works, then I'll happily push it to buster and include it in future Fileserver releases." --JedMeister

https://github.com/turnkeylinux/tracker/issues/1598#issuecomment-2115793324 "The instructions are for 'buster-testing' but the package does not appear to be in 'bullseye-testing.' I'm painfully new at this, so I'm not clear how to 'roll my own update' from bullseye to buster."

Again, no pressure, no rush. But I'm better off to wait and work on other pieces of my project if this will be released within a few weeks.

Thank you.

Jeremy Davis's picture

I was actually hoping to get next release of Fileserver out next week, but it didn't quite make into the next batch because I have some last minute tweaks to make.

Also, I'm guessing it was just a typo, but the next release of TurnKey fileserver will be v18.0 (18.0-1 in Proxmox) - based on Debian 12/Bookworm. It will include wsdd.

Romaq 's picture

Yes, that was a typo. I look forward to the polished release. 😊

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there.

As discussed over on GH, I've uploaded a test build of v18.0 fileserver. I've still got a few tweaks to make and a few tests to do, but it should be close...

Here's the template:


And the SHA512 hash:


If you put it in /var/lib/vz/template/cache/ on your Proxmox server, it should be automagically picked up and you should be able to launch a new container from it in the UI.

Please share any feedback - the good the bad and the ugly! :)

Romaq's picture

I'm spending today to work on my "build from the document to see verify it works" project, then test it out tomorrow. This image is exactly what I need to complete the work. :)


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